Chapter 2

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Niall's POV

I watched as the five girls of Fifth Harmony walked in. I had my eyes set on Lauren watching her hit herself in Camila's back as Camila stopped. I looked at her eyes and saw they were blue.

No green?!

No grey?!

No matter what color her eyes were they were beautiful. I watched the interaction between all of them as they sat the couch next to us.

"Girls." Simon started.

They're touring with us! Simon told us when we got here!

"You're touring with the boys and you're gonna be sharing a bus." Simon said.

The girls looked at him in shock but nodded grinning.

"Now girls go and start rehearsals and show the boys what you got." A guy from the girls management team said.

Lauren and Dinah got up first, then Normani and Ally. Lastly Camila got up. The walked in a not so straight line to the dance room. We followed behind and once we got inside they were rehearsing.

"Lauren more sass! You gotta show EM who's boss!" Their dance instructor said.

Lauren nodded and fixed the mic in her hand.

"Ooh oooh ooh they don't em quite like you. Wanna oooh oooh oooh with it bragging if you know it's true." Lauren sang perfectly as she did the dance.

I watched her in awe as she continued to dance and just have fun with it.

Soon a five women came in.

"Girls measurements! We need to get measurements done!" One of them said while going up to Dinah.

Each of the girls were paired up with one of the women. I gazed up and saw Lauren writing in a black journal. I smiled at her and she smiled back. She closed the journal and walked up to me. I felt four pairs of eyes burn into me, Lauren sat next to me.

"I'm Lauren." She said sticking out her hand while smiling.

I grinned and shook hands with her.

"I'm Niall."

She looked up at me.

"I already know that." She said while moving hair out of her face.

"Lauren get your Cuban ass over here!" Dinah said.

Lauren rolled her eyes getting up and walking to Dinah.

Don't look at her ass Niall don't look.

I looked.


Liam's POV

I continued to scroll through twitter not having anything to do. The stylist left and the girls continued to practice.

*6 hours later*

I'm so fucking tired. The five stylist came back and gave each of the girls a rack with black bag over it.

"Go try it on girls chop chop!" The first stylist said.

I tried not to fall asleep and then Dinah walked out in her costume. I sat back up and I wasn't tired anymore.

On The Road To ReflectionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora