Knock knock...

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I don't do chapter dedications but there's always a first time for everything right? Well, this chapter is dedicated after Allah to one of His servants who goes by the name....LastCookieInTheJar. It was straight after speaking to her that I felt motivated to take a risk (not really but...) and actually write something, I guess.

This is not my usual dua chapter. But on the topic of making sincere dua I though I could add tips on how to properly make dua that are going to be accepted in sha Allah.

Ok, this is going to be a weird example...but you have to follow to understand my point. Imagine a little kid making his mum angry. And she locked him outside and he wants to be inside so that he can get a treat (such a hard concept to uncreative of me). So what is his typical try and get the attention of his mum so that she can let him inside, right? And how does he do constantly knocking on the door and crying until he gets a response. Well, he continues to do this until he just gives up and sleeps. The moment the mother sees him sleeping on the cold ground of the doorstep she will be filled with mercy and shall open the door and hug him, clothe him, feed him etc. Can anyone tell where this story is going yet?

Anyways, apply the concept of constantly asking to how you should be making dua. Regularly knocking on the door of forgiveness. It might be that just when you decide to give up, is when Allah decides to accept your dua. You never know....imagine making all that dua for Allah to forgive you and just like the mother...she not only forgives him but she fed him and clothed him right. And Almighty Allah is the provider of all if your mum can feed you...think about what Allah will do. In fact it might be that Allah, was waiting until you gave up to start accepting ALL your duas and blessing you with all His provisions. And Allah is the best of ALL see...He, the most patient, was waiting until you turn back to Him so that He could show you all that He had in store for you.

This is a short chapter. Maybe I will be doing this bonus chapter after every 9 Duas I make so it would be the every 10th chapter. Hmmm, already thinking about what I'm gonna make my next one about. If anyone has any suggestions I will be happy to take them, answer any questions you may have and just talk really. Hopefully you have benefited from this...I will be accepting constructive criticism because after all I am nothing but a weak servant of my Lord and I am no way near perfect and without Al-Waduds love and care I am nothing.

Anyways, may Allah accept all our good, forgive all our shortcomings and bless us with the highest rank in Jannah. And may He put His blessings in all that we do and multiply our deeds a thousand fold.

Ameen ya Muhaymin.

Till next time,
Stay blessed
And assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.

Keep on smiling :)
From your sister.

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