Chapter One

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I sighed.

'Of course I would have that nightmare.'

I sighed, again. I got up out of bed.

'Why do I keep having that dream. It makes no sense.'

Getting ready for the day, my birthday, still thinking about the dream I call nightmare.

Oh. Right. You might not know who I am.
My name is Amelia Pond Jackson, Daughter of the Famous Primordials, Percy and Annabeth.

And, today is my eighteenth birthday.

Having getting ready in my skinny jeans and combat boots, also a orange camp t-shirt. I walk out the door.

Because of my parents, I can choose what cabin I want to be in. I chose Cabin three, Poseidon, while Eric, my cousin and best friend, chose the Hades cabin.

Due to the Chaos cabin being full, when Uncle Nico, Aunt Michaela, my dad, and the wolves stay there, I get the cabin to myself. Same with Eric.

But, my mom stays in her mother's cabin. Which I don't get.

I mean I know that they aren't married anymore. And, they're not together, but it seems like they don't talk at all.

I sighed silently, making my way to the dining pavilion.


I looked up, Piper and Luke were walking out of the Chaos cabin.

"Hey, what's up?" I said, as they fell in step with me. It seemed easy for them, probably because they have to keep up with my dad and Aunt Michaela. Those two came be really fast sometimes.

"Came back from a distant planet. It was a nightmare." Luke shuddered. I laughed.

We walked the familiar path to the dining pavilion, passing the Hades' cabin. I turned my head, as I heard the door open. Standing in the doorway, with the same dark brown hair and light brown with some green eyes, Eric, my cousin/best friend. I was older by two and a half months. I love teasing him about it.

"Happy birthday Am!" He said merrily, as he walked in step with the three of us.

I smiled. I used to find that nickname annoying, but I don't mind it anymore.

"Thanks." I laughed.

We continued walking towards the dining pavilion, and to breakfast. Mm.... Pancakes...

I was suddenly hit with the smell of breakfast, and sprinted the rest of the way, leaving Piper, Luke, and Eric in my dust.

Once I hit the border of the pavilion, I saw a someone familiar sitting at the usual table I sit at with Eric (Poseidon's).


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