Your the Bestest

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" Flight 935 to London, is now obarding"

"I/m going to miss you." I said just barely over a whisper as i hugged my mom and dad as tighly as I could.  My paents embraced me tighty and I took a deep breath realizing that I would'nt be seeing them for a whole month. 

"Please be careful" My mother breathed out as she tried to even her breathing. My mother was never a fan of causing a scene in a public place.

"I will I promise," I soon turned around and saw my best friend Rachel heading my way. "I have to go our plan is boarding. Me and Rachel will call you as soon as we land. Love You." I screamed over my shoulder as me and Rachel latched arms and headed to terminal 935.

We quickly took our seats on the plane and as always Rachel fell quickly asleep. I still could'nt believe that I was going to London for a whole month. Me and Rachel have been planning this since we were in highschool. On my sixtenth birthday we made a pact to eachother that we were going to take a semester off of college and travel to London. M parents hated the idea immediately, but they soon realized that I was 18 and there was no way that they could stop me.

As my eyelids began to droop the words my mom said to me when I told her i was leaving kept running through my head "dont do anything you'll regret, you dont get do-overs in life" and with that replaying in my head I qouikly fell asleep. 


I woke up to being poked over and over again, on my cheek. I knew that we were in London as I realized that we were no longer moving. I quickly opened my eyes and stood up, causing Rachel to scream.

"You scared me Courtney!!" You could barely understand anything she was saying as she tried to catch her breath.

"Oh shush, thats what you get for poking me. Now come on, are we going to sit here or are we going to explore London?"

We both quickly looked at eachother as realization hit both of us "LONDON!!!"

We quickly found our luggage and began to make our decent to the the exit of the airport. As soon as we stepped outside we were hit with a burst of bitterness. I tryed to wrap my sweater around me as tightly as I could, as Rachel called a TAXI for us. I had completely forgotten to change on the airplane into proper clothing. Because we decided to take a semester off, we choose to come to london in November when all of the tourist's would be back at school and work. 

We rushed inside the car as soon as the taxi pulled up to the curb. I told our driver the address of our hotel and then relaxed into the plush seats. I looked out my window and my breath was taken away. Sure i've seen pictures, but the didnt do anything justice. I was lost in my own world, when I felt the car come to a holt. I looked to my right, and saw a very posh looking hotel. We took our baggage and headed straight to the lobby. As a graduation present to the both of us our parents decided to split our hotel rooms for us. 

We went up to the 7th floor, and found room 713. As the door opened I ran to the bedrooms, knowing that I didnt want to waste anytime looking around. I quickly changed from grey seatpants and a Victoria Secret hoodie, to something much more presentable. I threw on my favorite pair of jeans, a mint green shirt, my combat boots, my favorite leather jacket and of course my black beanie to finish the look.

Me and Rachel locked arms yet again and made our decent to the lobby. As we opened the doors to the London air I could'nt help but get caught into the bright city lights. I decided now would be a good time to text my parents and let them know we landed. I checked the time and noticed it was 7:38, and I hadent eaten all day.

"Are you hungry" I asked Rachel right as my stomach made a frightening grumbling sound.

She nodded as she could'nt control her laughter. I soon joined in, as I began to feel free. We descended the stairs and turned right. We didnt say much to eachother as we were in awh of the buildings we were passing.

I began to look for restaurants when a store up the street with neon lights caught my eye. And I knew exactly where we were going first. 

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