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lucien walked down the aisle, a crumpled up paper clutched in his hands.

it was one of those rare occasions where no screaming mercenary or bullets would be flying through the air, and everyone could finally stretch their legs and have a cold beer.

except, the multitude of butterflies that fluttered their wings against lucien's stomach was not the equivalent of relaxing at all.

he almost kicked down the door in his haste but he settled for a knock instead.

when there was no answer, he pushed the door lightly and it swung open, revealing a messy apartment and two sets of clothes strewn across the couch. the worst case scenario played out in lucien's mind, and he shook his head vigorously to get rid of it.

creaking noises and disembodied sounds came a slightly ajar door and lucien inched his way towards the door, pushing it open and widening his eyes at the horrifying sight.


without waiting for further explanation, he took off, the wind beating his face like a well-deserved slap. why was i so stupid? why did i believe what she said? why didn't i see that she was a two-faced timer? lucien berated himself, the rocks tumbling against his dress shoes. despite his best efforts, the tears swelled up in his eyes anyway, blurring his vision.

he ran right into a bunch of strangers, crashing into one of them and knocking the other to the ground.

"ouch..." he groaned, wiping the tears from his eyes and staring into a pair of familiar dark eyes.

willy was sitting up, a checkered shirt covering his top half and a pair of ripped jeans completing the look. his 'disguise' was unable to cover his true identity though.

"what are you doing here?!" the two of them exclaimed at the same time, lucien's voice faltering with every word.

"hey, look who it is!" tavish smirked, elbowing willy in the shoulder and getting a light red blush from him. lucien frowned, turning the other way and muttering to himself. he did not want any further experiences from that group of people, especially not him.

"oi, where do you think you're going? join us for a drink or two!" and with that, lucien was pulled into a pub forcefully, his patience wearing thin with every passing second.

"i'm sorry, but i'll have to decline your kind offer." he spat, venom filling every corner of his sarcastic sentence.
"aw, come on, don't be such a wet blanket! at least stay for a while."

too emotionally worn out to argue, lucien settled into a bar stool and went for a cold beer. ignoring the other enthusiastic patrons, he downed one beer after another, the bitter taste of the liquor burning his throat.

"are you okay? you seem...troubled." a concerned voice came from his left and lucien continued, undaunted by the person by his side.

"i'm fine, mon cher." he mumbled hurriedly.

"i don't think you are, though. did anyone piss you off or something?"

that threw lucien off the edge. he banged his fist on the table, glaring at the shocked sniper. he wasn't sure whether he was drunk, but he felt like using some colourful language at the other. he settled for a polite warning instead.

"i do not want to swear at you, so you'd better keep that mouth of yours shut." or maybe a not-so-polite warning.

willy gulped. this spy really was a tough nut to crack. he knew if he didn't keep his silence, he would find a knife in between his shoulders within seconds.

"someone broke your heart, didn't they?"

the words that came tumbling out of willy's mouth startled lucien and almost broke the stoic mask he had on his face.

"how did you know?"

"i've...had my experiences, y'know? one look and i can tell."

this forced a snort out of lucien's nose. was the guy a fortune teller?

deception and lies - sniper x spyWhere stories live. Discover now