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11 years ago........

I was, playing with my doll in the floor of my aunt's bedroom when suddenly ,a tingling, chiming sound was present so I turned my head to look at what is it. It came from the wooden antique mirror hanging on the wall across the room. I stood up,  leaving my doll on the floor, and faced the mirror. It was making the most wondrous sight of magic trick I have ever seen with ripples on its glass surface like raindrops falling on calm water.

I kept staring at my distorted reflection when appeared on it that made me retreat back a few steps. A foot passed through the mirror and then its knee came at sight followed by another foot at one side. Then came an arm, a torso and lastly a boy's head until his whole body was present and feet were rested on the ground. He stared blankly then blinked once,  twice,  until I can't even count them all.  He wore strange clothes with a leather jacket,  thin short pants and flat sandals with brown straps. 

I smiled at but he remained serious.

"Analita? Analita Lt're, " He asked.

I giggled ," Its Mathilda Lt're. Analita is my aunt. ,"

"Oh!  Sorry. ,"

"Were you expecting my aunt? ,"

"Yes,  but I was also expecting you.  ,"

I narrowed my eyes, on him, " As a message reciever? ,"

He smiled and raised the length of his arm towards me ,"As a friend. ,"

I reached to shake his hands.

"I'm Sensei. Sensei Pentacor. ," He introduced himself.

" You already heard my name.  Mathilda Coraline Lt're. ,"

We played with my toys and he showed me something Ill never forget. He can produce fire through himself. He can even breath one.

When evening came ,we, parted from each other.  I went back to my room while Sensei step back o the mirror. The next morning ,we played again and its been like this for months.

But one time, my parents, became worried of my strange behavior so they let me see a psychiatrist,  Dr. Bunnifer,  who works perfectly with children ,especially those who claim the existence of someone that is not real(Imaginary Friends) .

I got inside a room with a table in the center and 2 chairs at both sides. At one chair there was Dr. Bunnifer,  so I sat on the other one.

"Good afternoon Mathilda. ,"He greeted.

I smiled, "Gu'd aptie too doct'r,"

"I know your already familiar of me,  right dear? ,"

"Your my psychiatrist. ,"

"Good. Now before we begin, tell me something about you Mathilda. ,"

"My real name is Mathilda Coraline Lt're.  I'm 5 years of age aaanndd. ..that's all I can tell you. ,"

"Tell me more Mathilda. ,"

My face blanked, " Mom said don't tell information about yourself to people you don't full know. ,"

"Strangers you say, right Mathilda? ,"

"Yes sir. ,"I nodded.

"How about your newly found friend? Isn't he, also a stranger to you when you both met each other? ,"

I darkened ,"I don't like you talking 'bout Sensei. ,"

"No. Why dear? ,"

"Because that's why. ,"

"But I want to know. ,"

"I don't like you. ,"I scowled.

"Are you afraid to know that he is, not real? ,"

"He's real. ,"

"No his not,  Mathilda. His only a pigment of you imagination and. ...,"

"Shut up!!," I shouted at him while tears stream down my face.

Dr. Bunnifer held me on my shoulder, "It's okay, dearie. I know how you felt of having no friends and being alone. That's why your mind created Sensei to keep you company. But your parents worried about you behavior Mathilda. Let him go. You still got a whole life ahead of you with more friends to meet. ,"

I wiped my tears with the back of my palm, "Everyone thinks I'm weird. Even my parents tells me to be normal but his he only thing who makes me feel special. ,"

"We all think your special and we are gonna be, always here for you, unlike him. ,"

I did not went to my aunt's room after that. My parents had been secretly planning of moving to another place for my condition and I think that's dumb of them because, I still out heard it.

The next week was, our move. The moving ban had arrived so I packed all my things in my room and when I was about to head down stairs, I remembered my doll in my aunt's room. So I settled my luggage at the side of the stairs and ran back. I entered the room and expected it empty of life ,but I predicted wrong. Sensei was in the center standing, with my doll in his hands raised towards me.

"I believe this is yours. ,"He said while handing the doll to me.

"I believe it is mister. ,"I replied, snatching the doll from him.

"I also believe your avoiding me, right? ,"He smirked while his hands in the pocket of his pants.

"You're believing it wrong. ,"I lied while rolling my eyes at one side and started gathering my toys.

"I believe what I want to believe. ,"

I stopped and faced him, "And I also believe in many things,  but not on you. ,"

His smile disappeared ,"What'd you mean? ,"

I placed my hands near the naple of my head and turn my fingers round and round like performing a crazy tactic dance, " I know you're just a f'gm'nt o'p me 'magneti'on cause me l'nely and sad. ,"

His face grow grim but later on became grieved, "You wouldn't believe. ,"

"I shouldn't believe. ,"That's all it takes before I grab my stuffs and gone outside.

I seized my luggage on the stairs and ran down as fast as I could then entered the car that was waiting for me outside. I sat on the passenger's seat with my father driving. I watched the house of my aunt who is now in Canada before closing the window of the car and said my friends name. .......

"Sensei. ,"


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