RAMADAN (blessings)

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The holy night has come,

a blessed night.

More valuable than a thousand nights together.

The holy quran sent down in this precious night,

our guide for now and our future.

We should feel honored to have this night of nights to come closer to our Creator

In our repentance prayer, and with the intention that all our supplication and asking forgiveness will be accepted by the almighty.

Shame would take possession of us, if we're not using this night, to come closer to our creator.

We should take advantage of this holy night.

Open yourself to him, be grateful and god-fearing.

Stick fixed to the value of Ramadan in this magnificent and blessed night.

The poor among us, will be pleased. If we offer them a helping hand.

A smile on their sad faces.

And don't forget its Allah who donates you by his mercy.


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