~Chapter 1~

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The sun was gleaming through the open window, shining on her wet, blinking eyelashes. Amber had just got home from school. She was lying on her bed, trying desperately to wish away the world. Wishing she could just snap her fingers, and she would just disappear. Disappear into nothing but the air in which she was 'wasting' by being alive. Yes, Amber didn't like her life. She got bullied for being 'different' from all the other girls in her class. Amber wasn't bullied for not being 'skinny enough', or 'not pretty enough'. She was bullied for her talents. You see, Amber was a witch. But she didn't know this back then. No one else could talk to the squirrels, or unzip her backpack without even touching it. Amber was a troubled child. And the worst thing is, her parents knew nothing about it.

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