Jace was in love with the way the blood rushed just under Alec's veins, pulsing faster with every ticking second. Blood--

You can coax the cold right out of me
Drape me in your warmth
The rapture in the dark puts me at ease
The blind eye of the storm
Let's go for a walk down Easy Street
Where you can be reborn

The next kiss hurt more than the rest and made him fall into Jace a little more than he should have. 

It hurt because Jace was digging razor sharp incisors into his neck. He relaxed a little more. What was the harm in just a little big longer?

Alec pushed Jace away with more force than he had intended. The teeth tore free and Jace went stumbling back, wiping his lips with the back of his hand.

"Go," Alec ordered, pressing a hand to his neck.

"Are you--"

"I'm fine," Alec said, pulling his hand away. He'd heal just fine with an iratze. "Please go take care of whatever you need to do."

Alec fell onto Jace's bed as the door squealed shut.

And kiss me on the mouth and set me free
But please, don't bite

"Alec?" Jace asked, standing over the Shadowhunter boy. He felt sharper now that there was blood in his system. Alec opened his eyes. They were slightly greyed with the poison in his system, dulling his senses.

Alec stared up at him, sighing shakily.

"I'm so sorry," Jace said.

"I know you can't help it," Alec said. "But there is no way in hell I'm become one of those zombie subjugates. I'm not. I'm not going to get addicted and I'm not going to push my luck. You have to keep yourself in check--"

"I slipped up," Jace said. "I just forgot. I got caught up."

"I'm going home," Alec said.


"I'm not feeling good, Jace." He sat up and Jace stumbled back.

"Just call me when you get home, okay?"

"Okay," Alec agreed, already at the door.

Aah, I'm pulling on your heart to push my luck
Aah, cause who's got any time for growin' up?
Kiss me on the mouth... bite
Kiss me on the mouth... bite

The phone rang in the middle of the night, sending shock waves of pain through his head.

Only, it wasn't night-- the blackout curtains were just drawn tight. Jace let it ring for a moment more before finding his phone in the darkness, answering with a groggy hello.

"Get up," Lily hissed.

"Lil, you are literally downstairs," Jace said, rolling back into the pillows.

"The Nephilim want to meet with you--"


"I should rephrase that-- the Nephilim want a vampire representative and I'm sending you. Get up." The line went dead.

Jace wasn't one for subjecting to authority but Lily was vicious and he liked his head intact.


Jace arrived in the Sanctuary a little after dusk. Night had been closer than he originally though. He didn't bother knocking. He just walked in. His mind feared the worst.

The female epitome of Alec was waiting for him.

"And you are?" she asked curtly.

"You're awfully rude," Jace pointed out. How Alec could be related to her was beyond him.

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