2. Drop Our Anchors In A Storm

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(Brendon's Pov)

I smiled as Dallon shut the door gently behind him, making almost no sound at all, and walked off into the hallway. He was always so polite and gentle compared to the boisterous crowd of rowdy punks who thought they owned the school with their equally filthy mouths. I shuddered, feeling bad for Dallon who had to somehow find a way to make friends out of these uncultured imbeciles. Come to think of it, I haven't seen him hanging out with any of his classmates before.

"In other woooooords, baby kiss meee..." I belted out the classic Sinatra hit in my car. Rain pelted down on the windows and the windscreen wipers swish-swoshed in time to the beat of the song.

That's when I saw him. Tall lanky Dallon running awkwardly in the cold rain. What the hell was this boy-

My thoughts were interrupted when Dallon slipped and started flailing his arms around before falling to the ground. Dallon! I thought, as I immediately stopped the car and swung the door open. By the time I reached the boy, I was completely drenched. Deciding that talking would not help with the situation, I picked up poor Dallon in my arms and fled back to my car as quickly and swiftly as I could... although our height difference made it slightly tough for me. "M-Mr Urie...." He stuttered.

(Dallon's Pov)

My eyes grew wide in terror as a pair of strong arms swooped in from under me and carried me up, bridal style. However, I was too stunned to retaliate, and only managed to look up to my saviour after a couple of seconds. I blinked the mixture of my tears and raindrops away, clearing my vision. Brown eyes... Soft brown eyes that I could recognise anywhere. "M-Mr Urie...?" I stammered as he unlocked the door of a sleek black car and ushered me in. I had no choice but to let him help me get in.

"Mr Urie.. Why-" I started to ask why he had brought me into his car but he cut me off, throwing a towel in my direction and asking if I had hurt myself. I looked at my knee to see that it had been scraped up thanks to the rough gravel I had landed on, but apart from that I was fine.

"Dallon, if you'd like, you can stop by my house and we could get you cleaned up. It's just a couple blocks away, and I'll drive you home afterwards." Mr Urie asked from the driver's seat, once again reminding me why he was the best person in my world. I nodded, still in a state of confusion and daze, and the car started. Mr Urie began humming softly to an old Sinatra song while I chattered in the backseat, still wrapped in the fluffy towel Mr Urie passed me.

A/N: Next chapter will be up soon as I've got an idea and putting it off would probably mean that I would forget. So stay tuned...!

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