OCTOBER: Vicious Cabaret, Theme, and Palindrome

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So it's finally here, the month of Halloween. Or if your are going by retail timetables it's Christmas, but either way it's finally the beginning of all the fun holidays! This month we have three Random types of poetry that I decided on all by myself cause I put this off to the last minute and foxxy wasn't around to advise me >.> The poems are the Vicious Cabaret, A Theme Poem, and Palindrome.

It'll be fun, I promise

Vicious Cabaret- Have you ever heard the song The Vicious Cabaret from V for Vendetta? That's where the name comes from. I don't actually know the official name or if there is an official name but I accidentally started writing these types of poems and this is the name google gave me. I love poems like these, they are... bouncy. I feel like I'm hopping from one rhyme to the other.It's honestly simple, no syllable counting, no specific meter, the only thing you need to pay attention to is the rhyme scheme.

The rhyme goes a-a-a-b/c-c-c-b/d-d-d-b, ect. (the / means a new line) It can be as long as you want and you can structure it however you want- couplets with internal rhyme (a-a/a-b), four lines that end with rhyme like the example, three lines with the first line having an internal rhyme (a-a/a/b), just so long as there are three (a-a-a) rhymes before the (b) rhyme at end of the stanza.

Example: The Vicious Cabaret (a piece of the song)

In no-longer-pretty cities there are fingers in
There are warrants, forms, and chitties and a jackboot
on the stair.
Sex and death and human grime, in monochrome for one
thin dime,
But at least the trains all run on time but they don't
go anywhere.
Facing their Responsibilities either on their backs or
on their knees
There are ladies who just simply freeze and dare not
turn away                                                                           
And the widows that refuse to cry will be dressed in
garter and bow-tie
And be taught to kick their legs up high in this
vicious cabaret.

From: V for Vendetta

(song linked in video)

Theme- The theme for this month will be something Dark. Something Scary or Creepy or Grimy cause of Halloween and all. It's up to you to decide what that means.

No Example for this one.

Palindrome or Mirrored Poetry- For those of you who don't know, A palindrome is a word, phrase, number, or other sequence of characters which reads the same backward or forward. Allowances may be made for adjustments to capital letters, punctuation, and word dividers.

For us this means you can read a poem forwards and backwards and it still makes sense. What most people to is half way through the poem the words start repeating themselves in reverse order- or "mirroring" each other. There are two ways to go about this that I know of.

Write it so when it's read backwards (from bottom to top) it is exactly the same as when it's read normally. To do this you write it so that half way through it starts repeating lines in reverse order or "mirroring" (example 2)

Or write it like the first example, where every line is written backwards and it is mirrored so that if you typed the whole thing out backwards, word for word, it would be exactly the same. (example 1)

Example 1: Inspiration

Open floodgates,
once restrained tightly,
suddenly form rippled waters,
expressive thoughts flowing freely,
by frightful heart attending faithfully
faithfully attending heart frightful by
freely flowing expressive thoughts,
waters rippled form suddenly,
tightly restrained once,
floodgates open.

(By Memory Trace)

Example 2: Doppelgänger

Entering the lonely house with my wife

I saw him for the first time

Peering furtively from behind a bush ...

Blackness that moved,

A shape amid the shadows,

A momentary glimpse of gleaming eyes

Revealed in the ragged moon ...

A closer look (he seemed to turn) might have

Revealed in the ragged moon

A momentary glimpse of gleaming eyes

A shape amid the shadows,

Blackness that moved.

Peering furtively from behind a bush,

I saw him, for the first time

Entering the lonely house with my wife.

(A Line-Unit Palindrome Poem by James A. Lindon)

Both examples found on http://literarydevices.net/palindrome/


Those are the poems for October- sorry foxxy for not consulting you this month. I was lazy AND busy which is a nasty combination.

As for those of you still doing this, I hope you had fun last month and that you enjoy this months poems. Like always, newcomers are welcomed and if you have any questions shoot me or Fox-Trot-9 a message and we will help you out! I can't believe it's been eight months already!

I hope to see your poems posted soon!

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