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I walked outside on to the balcony of our apartment before bed like I always do. I sat down in a chair and rested my elbows on the railing while looking up at the sky. The night breeze made me shiver but I remained where I was. "(Y/n), I figured I'd find you out here." My boyfriend Baekhyun walked out with a blanket and out it around me, then sat next to me. "What are you doing out here now?" He asked. I pointed up and he shifted his head to look at the sky. "What?" He asked. "The stars, and the moon." I trailed off. "What about them?" "I like looking at them." I said. "Why?" I laughed a little and looked at him. "I don't know. I just like to. I'm so relaxed when I look at the moon. I just thinks it amazing how something can shine so bright even when darkness surrounds it." I looked back up. "And the stars want to protect it, that's why they're all over the place. They want to make sure that the moon doesn't lose it's shine." I got quiet and Baekhyun giggled. I blushed and turned my head. "It's kind of like you." He said. I raised and eyebrow and looked at him. "Huh?" He looked at me longingly. "No matter what you're going through, how tough it is, or whatever bad influences there are around you, you still manage to stay happy and shine bright, like the moon." He said. I grinned and looked down. He pat the top of my head then ran his fingers through my hair. "And the stars are the people who love you who want you to stay happy, like me." His hand ran down my arm and held mine. He pulled his phone out and checked the time. "It's 11:11, hurry and make a wish." He said. I giggled and closed my eyes. 'I wish that Baekhyun and I can stay together forever.' I opened my eyes, Baekhyun still had his closed. I waited a few seconds, then he opened them. "What did you wish for?" He asked. "I can't tell you, then it won't come true." I said. "Right. Hold on, I'll be right back." Baekhyun went inside and came back a few minutes later with his hand behind his back. He sat back down with a sheepish smile. "(Y/n), I was going to wait a while to do this, but I can't want any longer." He took a deep breath. "Look, I've never done this before, so don't laugh at me." He cleared his throat and looked at me. "(Y/n), I love you, you know that. Um, well, I'm not really prepared because I didn't plan on doing this now, but I just wanted to say that you make me really happy, and I love seeing you happy. Just now, seeing you like this made me fall in love with you all over again. What I'm trying to say is, will you marry me?" He pulled his hand from behind his back and opened a small velvet box that contained a beautiful diamond ring. I gasped and looked at him. "Are you serious?" I asked. "Wow, I just poured my heart out and that's your first response?" He laughed and I shook my head. "Sorry." "I'm kidding, but yes, I'm serious. What do you say?" I smiled and nodded. "Yes." Tears welled in my eyes as I watched him put the ring on my finger. It sparkled in the moon light and Baekhyun pulled me into a kiss. "I would tell you what I wished for now, but it already came true." I said. He grabbed my hand and looked me in the eyes. "As did mine."

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