Chasing Scarlet: Chapter Eleven

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"The courtyard, bonehead," Scarlet's voice echoed in my mind. I smiled and started walking towards the big stone house. I wandered inside, with no one seeing me. I suspected that Scarlet had something to do with that. I entered a courtyard, very beautiful, with bare trees gleaming in the moonlight. The bushes and shrubs were still green, even in early winter. A girl sat on a bench under a bare tree. I stepped forward and she turned to see me.

God, she was beautiful! Her face was smooth and pale, her eyes bright, her hair perfectly curly. She slowly stood, my heart was beating fast in my chest. She smiled and ran to me. I opened my arms, and she ran right into them. For a while we stared into each other's eyes, then we leaned in and kissed. It was long and wonderful. She smelt of lilac and fresh rain. We stopped and continued to stare at each other for a long time. She led me to the bench where she had been sitting.

"I am Blossom and you are Travis. I have been waiting for so long to see you." She brought up her hand and stroked my face.

"I have something for you." I took out the diamonds, and put them around her neck. "It's a necklace, to show I love you." I gently kissed her blushing cheek. "I love you, Blossom."

She smiled and she looked so perfect. "I love you too." We kissed again.

I didn't remember what else happened that night when I woke up. When we woke, the sun was rising and we were entangled in her bed. We quickly dressed, and went to the dining room so she could introduce her husband.

Her father was a frail old man, with wispy gray hair, a gray beard, and an elmwood cane. His name was John Punet. I quickly learned that Blossom had lost her brother in a war, and that no one had found his body. John, in his old age, wanted Blossom to marry so he knew she would be well off. I told him I was a lord, and he knew my parents. He remembered me as a young lad and agreed that we could marry. Blossom and I were extremely happy.

The following days we spent every moment together, talking about our lives and learning about each other. I talked with her father every day, loving hearing him tell stories of when he was a boy. Blossom said I was a fool for liking his stories but I still went to hear them.

One day, during a rare time when I was alone, something strange flew in through my window. It was an orange small little animal. It looked human for the body, but had big eyes and skin and feather wings.

"Lord Bently, I am Jobuck, an Acarn sent by Queen Scarlet to help you. The diamonds you gave Candace are working excellent. Now we need you to seduce her on the full moon."

"What? Why?"

"Candace is most powerful on full moons. You must tame her then. Queen Scarlet has been very gracious to me to give me such a big mission. She trusted me to tell you this, and give you a present." That's when I noticed the small canvas bag he was carrying. He flew to me and I held out my hand for him to drop the bag in. Inside was a small round hard pebble. "Smash this and put it in Candace's drink the night of the full moon. It will help to tame her. The pill is one of Queen Scarlet's creating. She is talented with herbs and medicinal plants. She is a good queen."

"So I must give this to Blossom? How do I slip this in her drink?"

Jobuck seemed to consider this problem and his big eyes twinkled when he got his idea. "Tell her she needs to go so you can get ready a surprise. Have flowers hiding so when she comes back, the flowers will be the surprise."

"Yes, good. Jobuck? Why did Scarlet send you?"

"My father does not want me to marry Renee, who is a Drebuu. Her father disapproves strongly. She said if I did this for her, she could get our parents to let us marry." He smiled, showing his sharp little teeth. I shivered and looked away from him.

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