Chasing Scarlet: Chapter Eleven

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Haunt woke me up and we went through the normal routine. I packed up, rode on his back, while we traveled to my love's kingdom. I was excited to see her, and kept the diamonds that Scarlet had given me in a little pouch for safekeeping. The nights were long and my back hurt. Haunt told me not to complain since I was heavy. I agreed and said no more. The days weren't long enough. I felt drained, I needed more sleep, but as soon as the moon was showing, the pack leader wanted us to go. We were getting closer though. I could feel her getting closer.

 We stopped at dawn and took cover from a thunderstorm in a small gland of trees. Once all the wolves were asleep, including Haunt, I crawled out of my bag, and took the pouch of diamonds. I sat at the edge of the tree cover. I released the drawstring and poured them out into my hand. I fingered them, the lightning in the distance reflecting in the gems. I remembered the day when I took her to my castle. How when it was raining and she fell off. I was afraid something had happened to her. How her hair was plastered to her face, how she looked frightening when the lightning flashed behind her. I glanced up from the diamonds and was frightened to see the red haired ghost from the stables. I scrambled backwards but the tree stopped me.

"Greetings, Lord Bently. It has been awhile." I nodded, too afraid to say anything. What did this ghost want? She had already visited me once.

"You do not need to be afraid. Queen Scarlet wants me to do this." She stepped forward, and took the diamonds from my trembling hand. She smiled at my reaction, took a couple of steps back and breathed on the diamonds. They glowed in her hands and she grinned at the diamonds, and she whispered some words that were from a different language other than the ones I have heard. Haunt walked past me and stared at the diamonds too.

The diamonds stopped glowing and they glanced at each other. They said some things in that language and the ghost handed the diamonds back. "That is all I needed. Haunt, make sure you protect this one well. Queen Scarlet is depending upon his safe arrival. I will speak with you later."

She turned around and started walking. The rain soon hid her and I couldn't understand what that was about. I turned to speak with Haunt but he shook his wet coat and laid back down close to the wolf pack. I sat next to the tree, wondering about the ghost and Haunt.

The next night was the same, until the end. We came close to a great wall, with guards standing watch outside of it. I left the pack behind, and Haunt accompanied me to the gates. He insured me that no one but me could see him.

The guards were weary of me, since I arrived a little before dawn. "Who are you? Why have you come here?"

"I am Lord Bently-"

"You don't look much like a lord, sir." One guard pointed out. I knew I wasn't wearing my best clothes, but the clothes didn't make the lord.

"I know I appear to be a lowly peasant, but I am a lord." I reached for my ring, took it off my finger and showed it. It had my house of arms on it and said Bently underneath it. The guard sucked in some air through his teeth.

"Lord Bently! I am sorry," he continued to apologize and I let him continue as I placed the ring back on my finger.

"Now, will you let me enter into your city?"

"Oh yes, yes! I am so sorry, milord." He signalled to have the gates opened, and they did. The city was quiet, the people still sleeping. There was a dog panting in the middle of the street, sitting and watching. When we walked towards it, it started howling and barking up a storm. Haunt trotted forward and swatted his head, the crack of its neck breaking echoing through the quiet street.

"I was wrong. Animals can see me."

I nodded and gulped. Now that I was here, I was afraid. Would she know me? Would she love me? Would the dekon kill me? "I must leave you now, Lord Bently. I am on the last leg of my mission. No one will be able to help you. Not even Maia, the Great Messenger, is allowed in here. I wish you luck, Travis." Haunt lowered his head and the faint glow grew brighter, enveloping him. He disappeared and everything was quiet.

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