Chapter 1- Relax old man it's a phone not a gun.

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ᴍᴏɴᴅᴀʏ 9:55ᴀᴍ...

Calypso POV

I rubbed my tired eyes roughly with my palm and wearily looked down at my watch.

And I found, much to my dismay, that it was only 9:55am.

Damn. Half an hour of maths to go.

I groaned and slumped my head down into my open textbook in defeat as Mr. Williams continued on with his pointless rambles about you guessed it- fractions.

Boy, did I hate fractions...

Especially when the class bimbo, Maya, was asking the most ridiculous questions. She was that one girl who always acted like she is being repeatedly shot in the brain on a daily basis but by some rather unfortunate miracle she just keeps living. She yawned loudly and rolled her eyes,

Keep em' rollin', perhaps you might find a brain back there.

Mr. Williams pushed back a mop of grey hair from his face and sighed audibly, giving up with his quest to explain improper fractions to the blonde bimbo.

'I'm really sorry, Mr. Williams. But I still don't understand, if the top number is bigger than the bottom number, why can't you just swap them around?'

I could tell that from the look on his face, Mr. Williams wanted to hit her.

With a bullet.

In the head.

I don't blame him, I've wanted to do so myself on many occasions.

Distracting me from my murderous thoughts, Brooke abruptly raised her hand, smiling like a kid in a candy store.

That was bad news, she was only ever happy if someone else was going to get in trouble.

I looked over to her left where Cora was looking down on her phone, oblivious. Half of me felt sorry for her, but the other half was just creeped out. The extent to which some fangirls would go to see the faces of their beloved...

Honestly, it's just weird.

Mr. Williams placed his hands on his hips, 'What is it Brooke?'

Brooke smiled cheerfully, 'Cora's on her phone again,'

Cora looked up just in time to see him approach and tried to hide her phone in her desk.

'Hand it over,' growled Mr. Williams, holding out an outstretched hand.

Relax old man, it's a phone not a gun.

Cora's bottom lip quivered and she reluctantly handed over the phone, which was speedily snatched away and deposited into Mr. Williams's trouser pocket.

'Now class, we move onto page two of the textbook.'

Yes old man, because the thought never crossed our minds.

Then I glanced over at Maya, twirling her hair and rolling her eyes.

Well, except for maybe hers.

I ran my hands through my hair and stared at the clock glumly. I had finished onions of years ago by the time Mr. Williams decided to move on.

And just as if that wasn't bad enough, the attention seeker, Rhiannon, burst into a long screeching wail.

'I can't do this, I'm suck, I'm awful-'

'Rhiannon dear, do you have a problem?' Inquired Mr. Williams, clearly not in the mood to put up with her crap.

'I can't do this question and that's really *hic* bad,'

Really Rhiannon? Does your ass ever get jealous of the shit that comes out of your mouth?

I despised people like her, people who acted so they could get all the attention they craved. Leaving the ones with the real problems behind in the shadows, where eventually they disappeared into the darkness. Never to be found again.

Personally, I didn't understand why people craved attention like that. I hated attention, the thought of it made me want to hide. I didn't like the thought of so many people to be aware of me all the time.

That's why I liked being a loner. I could come and go as I pleased, no one ever paid any attention to me. No one there to hold me down or pin me to a name or a face, as far as the rest of the world was concerned, I was invisible.

And if I ran, no one would ever find me.

I had no idea how long I'd been dreaming, but by the time I began to stir the sound of the bell pierced through my thoughts like a knife. I hurriedly packed up my books in my eagerness to flee the classroom as quick as possible.

Strangely, for some reason, I felt a pang of unease in my stomach. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up and goose flesh covered my arms.

I told myself that it was nothing, but the uneasiness didn't go away and I felt a deep sense of dread begin to creep into my mind.


And so that's chapter one...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2015 ⏰

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