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Hey guys last week I found out one of Lucy's secret.
Her birthday is next week on the first.
I'm going to make it the best year.

6 years ago Normal (POV)

"Morning sweetheart wake up." Lalay said to her daughter."Morning Mama." Her daughter said sleepily to her mother. "Guess what day it is sweetheart." Lalay asked here daughter. " No is it special day today Mama." Her daughter asked her. Just then Jude walked in the room holding a cake and just then her daughter's eye's lights up like the stars in the night sky." HAPPY BIRTHDAY LUCY." Lalay and Jude said in unison. "Thank you Mama and Papa." Lucy said. "Now get dressed Lucy were going out to eat for your birthday this year." Jude said sweetly but yet cold. "OK Papa. Where are we going?" Lucy asked her father. "That's a surprise sweetheart." Lalay answering Lucy's questions. Just then Septo stepped in the room as Lalay and Jude left. Lucy got on a soft pink dress that end just below her knees and soft pink flats when septo put her hair in a bun like her mom's.


"Jude can we stop by the bank really quick please." Lalay said sweetly to Jude. He reply "Why of course Lalay." Can I come too? Mama please. " Lucy asked with puppy dog eye's. Her mother said,"Of course you can come with me sweetheart. " Lalay replied to her daughter's question.

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