How I got in trouble.

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"M-A-B-L-E! Your in trouble!" yelled my brother, Finn. "What? Can't a girl read around here!" I said "No, because your in trouble!" he yelled at me. In.My.Face "Stop yelling!" I yelled and went back to my bed to read my book.

"You!" yelled my dad "AHH!" I said "Seriously? Mable? You could of gotten killed out there" said dad "buttttt I didn't, you know why I didn't get killed? Because if I were. I wouldn't be here!" I said "Mable!" Said dad "you know what I mean"

"I do?" I said walking after him, alright, you probably have noooo Idea what's going on here, do you? Well, I'll tell you, what happened. I was watching T.V until an a alert came up. Saying something about someone escaped that was suppose to be in jail. But they wanted either Finn, or dad to do it, (apparently it was a guys job. Mum and I could do that!) . Anyway. They were all out, so I Mable Rose Jackie, decided to do it myself. So that was the story, and I got captured Finn saved me, and well happily ever after?

"Dad! I'm sorry, someone had to do it! You guys weren't there! So I thought I Mable Rose Jackie, could do the job. And I did! Aren't you even happy for that?" I said,"I know baby girl. I just don't want you to get hurt." He said in an awe, voice. "Hello! Finn's still standing here" said Finn. "Ohhh Yea you too" Dad said, patting his shoulder.

"Dinner's served!" called mum, "Coming!" I yelled as I can smell the sausages and the sweet beans, oh so good! "Soooo, did I miss anything?" asked mum, I hesitated. "did I?""yup. A lot of things" said Finn. "Care to explain, Miss Mable Rose Jackie?" he finished. I slid down in my seat.

"What? Mable Rose Jackie! What happened?" shouted mum. I explained to her what happened "I'm sooo proud of ypu!" "What? you are?" I said. "Yes" She said. "Bea! She's W-" "be quite Herb!" said mum. Go mum! "She! She could of gotten killed out there!" Said dad. "butttt she didn't, because she's right here." "and I'm proud of her." she finished. Yes!

"See dad? See what's happening right here? Mum is actually proud that I took change of it, and completed my mission!" I said Mission a bit to loudly. "What! That's not fair!" Yelled Finn. "She doesn't even get puncished for what she did, or get grounded!" Said Finn

"So?  You can't ground me for saven the world. Again!" I said "she's got a point, Hun" said mum. I made a face to Finn he mumbled something about me under his teeth which I couldn't make out what he was saying.

"Oh grow up, Finn! Your not gonna get any younger!" I laughed at my own joke. "I'm kidding!" I said "but really, you've got to grow up." "So do you, miss perfect." Said Finn "ha? What you call me?" I asked "a good girl" he said. I nodded my head.

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