Chapter Four:Repetitive Name

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Chapter Four: Repetitive Name

»Harry's P.O.V«

My head pounded, pain being the only thing I could feel at this very moment.

My body felt stiff, if I moved it, was afraid it would only increase the pain.

My eyes slowly fluttered open as the bright light hit me right in the eyes.

I stirred a bit feeling sick in the stomach.

"W-What happened?"I asked my voice raspy,I tired to sit up but a small strong hand stopped me.

"Shh, don't move."The angelic voice ordered quietly.

My eyes slowly closed again trying to make my body adjust to all the pain as I obeyed.

The same soothing voice mumbled something to themselves before they started chanting something.

"I will soothe your pain

I will ease you're strain

Don't you worry my child it will all be alright.

Mend what's been broken,

Heal all the cuts

Don't you worry child it will all be alright."The words leaving there mouth sounding like wind chimes, sending shivers down my spine.

My body tensed up when her warm hand landed on my biggest wound, --I suppose,sense it hurt the most-that was placed in my right upper chest.

She repeated the words as my wound slowly hurt less and less,till I felt numb and soon my whole body felt nothing.

The numbness stayed for a very long while, my eyes were still closed shut, my ears hearing nothing,a word would not escape my mouth even though I wanted them to.It's as if all my senses were cut off.

Honestly,I was ok with it.The numb feeling.

All my worries gone.All the hate.Everything...gone.

--Meredith's P.O.V--

His blood was intoxicating.It smelled wonderful,mesmerizing but I knew better.

My parents,aunts,uncles and grandparents would be disappointed in me if I drank human blood.

I had to stop the blood that was pouring down his cuts slowly teasing me and my strength.

"I have to...for my family..."I took a deep breath before I stopped breathing.

"I will soothe your pain...

I will ease your strain....

Don't you worry my child it will all be alright.

Mend what's been broken.

Heal all the cuts.

Don't you worry child it will all be alright."I breathed out.

His body tensed as my hand landed on his right upper chest.

I repeated the words making his body numb of all the pain and fixing it's wounds.

The handsome curly haired boy slowly started going back to sleep as I his heart beat became steady.

The front door of the old cabin I had taken the boy to, was slammed open as a familiar smell filled my nostrils.

"M-Mere t-tell me that isn't w-what I-I think it is?"Renesmee voice questioned,a hint of disappointment and fear in her tone.

My head turned around, a single word leaving my mouth."No."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2013 ⏰

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