Chapter Two:Questions

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Chapter Two:Questions

¡Alice's P.O.V¡ (At there new Home in England)

She was indeed beautiful with her long chocolaty hair cascading gracefully down her back.Her bright hazel colored eyes with specks of green that light up every time she was happy.Her soft olive colored skin that any mere mortal would be jealous of.Her cute plump pink lips that hid pearly white teeth.

Not only was she beautiful in the exterior bit inside as well.Her kind heart making it seem impossible that she was daughter of the worlds most cruelest vampire around. The caring,maturity and silliness she had definitely showed off that her birth mother was the witch ,Cynthia Brandon.

Yes,Meredith is my sisters' daughter,I took Merry in when I heard that Aro was planning on killing Cynthia for having a relationship with one of his kind and not any vampire but his younger brother,Caius Volturi.

Caius never knew about Meredith and Meredith doesn't know who her father or mother is.I've asked her if she wanted to know but she always responded by saying and I quote 'I know who my parents are it's you and daddy Jasper, if my birth parents couldn't take me for a reason then I get it but for me parents are the persons who earn the name...'.

I would usually just drop the topic of knowing that'd only make her get upset and I wouldn't want that because I had grown to love Meredith as if she were my own child, as if I were the one that conceived and carried her for nine months.

She meant the world to Jasper and I.

"Mom,what's wrong...are you having a vision?"Merry's worried voice rang through my ears catching my attention.

My golden eyes meeting her hazel colored ones as a smile spread on my face.

"No,I was just thinking of how beautiful my daughter is."I responded sincerely.

A small smile spread on her face as well as she spoke.

"Maybe it's because your beauty must have rubbed off in me these couple of years."She complimented me causing my eyes to soften a bit more.

I reached out to cup her face with my hand but as soon as my cooled hand was in contact with her warm cheek, pictures and screaming came into my mind.

A vision


The streets were cold, dark and dangerous for any possible mortal to be out.They'd have to be completely stupid to be out in the menacing streets of Homeless Chapel at night, no one would be there.

My thoughts were soon proved wrong as a tall,curly hair boy-probably around 16 or 17- with mesmerizing green orbs for a simple human,appeared walking towards the alley.

He seemed to be lost as his eyes would constantly gaze around as if looking for a way out.

There was a sudden yell from a man screaming at the curly haired boy making the boys' body tense up as four men started walking towards the now frightened boy.

They started surrounding him ordering him to give them his money.

The boy obeyed but they didn't seem satisfied enough as they started kicking him and punching him while he moaned and groaned, not yelling once.

They finally manged to make his head bleed and other parts of his body.

A sudden gush of air hit the group as a dark medium sized figure with glowing red eyes appeared from behind them without the thieves knowing.

The dark figure put up a finger bringing it to it's mouth as it signed the curly headed boy to be quite.


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