Start from the beginning

So, enough stalking at the perfect blossoming of the perfect relationship, because I have to make my way to Stark's famous party.

One last glance from Abbey I caught, I smirk as a response, then I was gone. Once again.


And once again, I appeared in a, shockingly, a dark alleyway.

Yeah, I know, typical. I need to seek more interesting reappearing landing sites, or else teleporting would get too boring, eh? But, it hasn't become boring yet, I'm just starting to get used to it once again. Last time was I recall about, eight years ago.

I exit the alleyway, as always, and I faced to my right. Looking across the street is the famous Stark Tower, being overridden by, paparazzi?!

Oh no, they can't see me!! Or else conspiracies with start popping everywhere! Theories about the "girl in the hood" cannot resume just because of the attendance of friggin' Amelia Vale at a Stark party! That's right, there are such things! I guess that's what I get when I disappear from a wealthy family's mansion.... And everything that happened before and after recently! You know, nudge, nudge.

I retreated back inside the alleyway, panting and panicking as my back rests behind to a brick wall. "What the fuck am I supposed to do?! I can't just teleport back again in the roof! Why the fuck should there be helicopters..." Sorry, it happens that I have to talk to myself physically in order to battle against my subconscious. After all, there really happens to be helicopters flying around the freaking roof of the tower!

Then my phone rang. "Great, who could it be now?" I muttered to myself.

Reading the caller ID, it happens to be Dr. Bruce Banner. "Thank God!" I exclaim in a loud whisper. "Bruce! I can't seem to go through--"

"Amelia, I think you have a situation..." He began speaking, and as he was stating the obvious, I immediately stop him there. "Yeah, I see people. Lots of people with blinding lights and cameras and a freaking helicopter scanning around the freaking roof!" My turn to state the obvious.

"Can you not teleport?" He asks. He's kidding, right?

I mentally face palm, frustrated on how the beginning of a party has begun. "Can't. I'm in an alleyway and almost around the clock where most of the area with surveillance that can probably spot the violet mists, or even myself once I disappear. I need to be very careful, even for the sake of hiding my identity. I never thought it'd be this difficult!"

He sighed irritably, as I frown deeply and kept scanning the crowded street across within the shadows. Why did I have to reappear in such of a narrow and short alleyway?! This is my only stop.

"Fine. Captain America is on his way to fetch you. I repeat, Captain America's coming his way." He states as if he were a programmed robot with specific instructions.

My eyes widened, "what?! Steve can't come, or else those paparazzis will start chasing him too! Or worse, even--"

"Fangirls, yeah... That kinda happened to me too." He paused for a moment. "Don't ask. I swear to God, they probably almost ripped off my hair! Or even my precious glasses! God damn, they are everywhere! The other guy would've popped out and destroyed the whole block!"

I groan, "I guess I won't be able to make it." Doubtfully.

"No." Then he inhaled deeply, "actually, um, Captain America really is on his way to that, isn't it the um, narrow and short alleyway? Yeah, he brought two long trench coats for concealment. He'll know what to do."

Getting Myself into the Battle of New York ~Avengers~ Where stories live. Discover now