Fashion Choice

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Daniel's POV

I stare at the full body mirror to see if i look good for the party. It seems to me my neon pants don't go well with a blue shirt. Should i change it up? I take off my the green shorts and throw them on the bed. I stare back at myself in the mirror. Now if i go like this with only my black boxer briefs and blue top, I'd sure get the attention i need, i thought to myself. "Is that what you're wearing?"

"w...wh...what!" I turn around flustered and see Joey at the doorway.

"Turning to the party like this? I might as well give them heart attacks than the clothes you're wearing"

"Throwing me shade? This is fashionable." I look at his blue button up shirt and neon orange pants and white sneakers. "Gurl, you need to change that shirt. Blue with orange does not match." Joey looks down at his shirt and examines it. "Okay, maybe you are right." I smiled and walked to our closet and picked a plain white tank top. "White looks better on you anyways" I said smiling also throwing the shirt at him. He catches it and looks confused. "Your best shirt? I wouldn't want to ruin it by stretching it." He says coming closer to me and pushing the shirt towards my chest. "I insist. I love the smell of you and we share the same clothes enough as it is. Wear it." I push the shirt back towards him and peck a soft kiss on his lips. I see him blush and i'm suddenly turned on but I don't tell him.

"Okay, now put on some pants boy, no one needs to see that." Joey says raising one eyebrow and pointing at my briefs. "Please, you know i can work this look" I said turning around, raising one fist in the high in the air and shaking my booty and walking to the closet. I turn around to see Joey laughing. His laugh is so heartwarming. I laugh too.

"Take my white shorts, least i can do." Joey said still giggling.

"Thanks." I put on the shorts while i peek through the corner of my eye to see Joey taking off his shirt and putting on the tank top. I see his small abs and i notice myself opening my mouth a little. My imagination goes wild. Stop that, i tell myself. I can't be thinking about his abs right now when we are going somewhere special!. I shut my mouth as quickly as possible before i drooled. This is a party and that's the only thing i should think about.

"Ready." Joey says.

"Me too." We walk out of the room and down the stairs. "Wolf, we'll be back. Stay good ya hear." I said patting Wolf's top head as he wags his tail. Me and Joey walk out of the house and lock the door. "I'm driving."

"Bitch" Joey says in a high pitched voice. "This is your day, so I'm doing you a favor." I said taking the keys out of his hands with a smile. We hop into the car and drive straight to the United Laser Kingdom for the best party ever.

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