Unknown Number

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"It's becoming very cold very soon." The weather man says as he points to a graph.

My mom flips through the channels as my phone vibrates.

*Hey cutie* -unknown number
*Who's this*
*Ethan duhh*
*I should've known😂 how'd you get my number?* -Me
*of course😂*
*so what's up*
*watching my mom flip through a million channels, wbu*
*just got home from an away game. Blew the football right out their asses* -E
*That sounds like it needs medical attention*
*haha😂😂 wanna hang*
*right now?😂*

I thought about it, too much. I can't believe he asked to hangout (I mean it's 2 on a Saturday, but it's so weird he'd ask me.) I mean I'm not popular and Liz said he only talks to popular people. What could he possibly think is so special about me?

*yes Kelsey, now😂* -Ethan
*okay okay just making sure, jeez*
*what did you get on the German quiz?* -E
*100%, wbu?*
*ehhh, I think a 64%..*
*idk it*
*I'll help you study, I don't want you failing*
*Thanks Kels😎you da best* -E
*sure thing loser*
*you love me boo* -E
*mhmm you do you 💯*
*alr want me to pick you up?*
*oh I can drive it doesn't matter* -Me
*no no I'll pick you up* -E
*thanks😊 my address is 3538 McGinley Square.*
*We're going to a bonfire if that's alright with you?*-E
*Sounds fun!* I reply, putting my phone in my pocket.

Honestly I'm excited, and not to tutor him (which I don't feel like doing) but to just be with him.

I get up to get freshened up and put on something a bit cuter that'll show off a bit more of my figure.

I walk to my room, grabbing my makeup bag and head towards the bathroom. I curl my hair with the wand I got for Christmas, put on a light layer of foundation, and do my eye makeup (very lightly) I apply some tan-brown toned eyeshadow with eyeliner and a coat or two of mascara. I walk into my room, picking out an outfit.

I lay out a tight grey v-neck, and some high waisted (black) skinny jeans. I put a black coat I got from pink on the bed too in case it gets chilly. I slip on the clothes I laid out and put on my white converse, spraying on a bit of perfume, grabbing my purse and phone, and walking downstairs.

"Bye mom, I'm going to a bonfire!" I yell down the hall from the front door.
"Woah woah, with who?" She comes out of nowhere.
"Lizzy, and Ethan." I say nervously, knowing she probably won't let me.
"Ok honey, have fun." She gives in, letting me off the hook.
"Oh thanks mom! I'll call you around 10, love you!" I hug her and run out the door.

*here* Ethan texts as I see him pull up.

I run and get in the car.

"Hey Kelsey." He smiles at me.
"Hey." I smile in return.
"It takes like 30 minutes to get to my friend's house, you need anything?" He asks, starting the car up as we back out of the driveway.
"No but thanks."
"You look really pretty." He says.
"Awww thanks Ethan!" I blush.

He's being so flirty, all I can feel is the heat on my cheeks and I can bet you they're bright red.

"So your mom didn't care you were coming to the party?" He asks, turning his turn signal on.
"No she didn't care, surprisingly." I laugh.
"Why, is she overprotective?" He asks.
"Kinda, but I think she's letting me do a bit more since I don't have many friends here." I explain.
"You have lots of friends! Well I mean you have a lot of people that wanna be your friend." He laughs.
"Some that wanna be more."

I couldn't say anything. Literally no words were able to come out of my mouth. I've been going here for only a couple weeks and I have the hottest (and most popular) boy saying he wants to date me. I mean it doesn't matter that he's popular, I just like him for him. He has such a perfect personality, like he's so funny and makes me feel so good about myself. Plus, yes he is really hot.

"Wow, really?" I ask.
"Yea.. I've liked you since the second you walked into Mrs.Nichols room, Kelsey." He begins.

The way he uses my name all the time in sentences makes me like him even more;
If that's even possible.

"So are you asking me out?" I laugh.
"Well I want to do it in a more formal way."
"How?" I giggle, wanting to hear what he has to say.
"Like a creative poster or something you would make for homecoming."
"We need some inside jokes so I'm gunna wait, even though I already told you." He laughs.
"Aw cmon I already know now!" I cry.
"Yea but that's probably worst than a text saying 'yo be my gf'." He hysterically laughs, making me laugh with and at him.
"Oh well, we can be 'talking' until I ask you like a gentleman." He says as we pull into a driveway.
"Ya know.. Homecoming is coming up soon.." He winks at me.

"Please ask me, please ask me" I think to myself. That'd be the best thing ever.

"Annnndd...?" I lead him on.
"I don't know, I thought you'd get that too." He laughs.
"Ugh you're so terrible with surprises!" I hit his arm.
"How do you know I'm gunna ask you? And how do you know how I'm going to ask you?" He defends himself.
"You just told me Ethan." I give him a straight face, but hold back my gigglyness.
"Well it'll be a surprise, I just have a big mouth so erase everything I just said." He laughs as we get out, walking to the front door.

Ethan knocks on the door as we wait silently. The door opens slightly to reveal Aaron.

"Hey Ethan, hey Kelsey!" He gives each of us our own hug and invites us in.

We walk in to a big house with about 20 people. An actual party. At least other than ones I've been to which weren't big.

"Wow there's a lot of people." I say, looking around at the drinking teens, some in their 20's.
"Yea it's getting a bit crowded, more people coming later." He says as he begins to walk through a bunch of dancing bodies, we follow.

The music bumps as I can feel every beat throughout my body.

"You're gunna have fun." Ethan smiles towards me.

I don't say anything, just smile back.

I feel a hand on my thigh as I turn around to see a guy with sweat glistening off his forehead touching me.

"Hey sexy." He mumbles, clearly intoxicated.
"Hey man, back off my girl." Ethan says as manly as possible, getting in his face.

"My girl" I repeat in my head over and over. Ethan actually acted manly, I would be somewhat scared if I was that guy, even though he was clearly older and way bigger than Ethan but I really appreciated him standing up for me.

"Thanks Eth." I hug his side as the buff dude walks away huffing.
"Sure thing." He smiles a toothy grin.
"Am I really your girl?" I giggle, teasing him.
"Definitely." He puffs his chest out acting superior.
"Oh, when did I agree?" I smirk, teasing.
"I can just tell." He smirks in return.
"How so?"

I know I'm acting really annoying but I just want to be flirty with him to see if I can do anything, like see if he likes me a lot. So I'm teasing him like the terrible person I am.

"Because a girl who didn't like me would say that was weird." He chuckles.
"That's true." I agree.
"I can tell you're flirting with me by the way." He smirks again.
"Nooo!" I giggle as my cheeks turn a bright pink.
"Mhmmm." He gets close to my face.

We don't say anything else. Just look each other in the eyes as Lizzy breaks our connection.

"Hm?" I turn around as she says hi.
"Oh sorry, we're you two gunna kiss or something?" She laughs.

I can tell my cheeks are red, as are Ethan's.

"No.." I quickly say, brushing it off.

I can see a look of disappointment on Ethan's face. Was he gunna kiss me?


{a/n: OH SHOOT PLOT TWIST but this chapter rly sucks lol I hope you like it and thanks for 35 reads ! 💗}

The Senior // Ethan DolanWhere stories live. Discover now