Chapter 3

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Drake was in the hospital. He groaned as he woke up. Drake yawned. His vision was blurred, then it came into focus. He wasn't in the hospital. He was on a steel cold bed, next to his sister. He felt a jolt, then passed out.

When he awoke again, he woke up in the middle of a room, roped up to a chair. His backside was to his sister, who was awake. He was panicking. He was being kidnapped! But what for? He hadn't done anything at all! It was cold. Drake heard footsteps coming. Here it comes, he thought. The door swung open, revealing the same masked kidnappers. One pointed at Drake. Then spoke.

"What's he doing here?"

"I dunno." The one to the left said.

"What part of, 'Only get the girl' did you NOT understand?! Kick him out!!"

They roughly grabbed him, unroped him, and roughly threw him. He was also shot by a tiny dart.

Oh, no, Drake thought. Not again...

The Kidnapper : Originحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن