♦01♦ - Coffee

Start from the beginning

My parents were already zooming through a divorce, and the last thing they wanted was a big kid like me lounging around their house feeding their bills. If I could perfectly describe their sharp drop of a roller coaster of emotions when they had witnessed me graduating college only to return back home to hermit at their place, I'd be an award-winning writer advanced in humor. They did not want me there. They loved me, but no more kids for them.

So that's how I wound up in the city that day, dreadfully roaming the streets like a lost man with a really bad coffee in my hands from this unpopular bakery on the corner. So far, my morning was a strong negative two out of ten. I did manage to at least dress like I wasn't homeless for once, and actually combed my hair. I really hoped a long-sleeved shirt with an old school band logo and slightly torn jeans was considered a "not homeless" look.

I had dived in and out of large and tall buildings all day - banks, stocks, marketing, anything relative to what I got a degree in. They were either congested with businessmen, a ghost town, or just plain looked like I wouldn't survive a day in there because of how stressful the service looked. I had sat in all different types of lobbies and observatories, taking all kinds of building tours that had worn me down until my legs were aching like someone had sawed them off and then tried to place them back on.

Not to mention the coffee that had urgently made me need to go to the bathroom - the coffee that I had hardly drank out of because of its stale taste.

And just to my luck, the current marketing building I happened to be in was terribly brimful, the trip to the bathroom seeming nearly nonexistent. I absconded the building in one piece despite the crowd, and hiked on sidewalks again through the oncoming drizzle. My day had started from a negative two and dropped to a negative eight.

I would also like to add on another dropped point from someone who thought I was homeless as I traipsed around with that stupid coffee cup and tried to place money in there.

That had to be the last time I was ever coming back out into the city.

Finally, I had sheltered myself into yet another large building that I completely didn't even bother to prod because my urge to pee was forcefully becoming my main concern.

To my surprise, it wasn't as congested as I imagined - very empty and clean with a chilling A/C. It was like a peaceful palace compared to the other institutions.

I quickly made my way over to a large desk where an elfin, pale, old woman in glasses was typing away on the largest desktop screen I had ever seen in my life.

"Excuse me, Miss... Where's the bathroom in this place?" I asked politely as possible. I was hoping my hair was not dripping on the floor at this point from the drizzle. She peered up over her glasses at me before pointing around a corner that connected to a curved stairwell that led up to a balcony. The placed looked like a godly mansion mixed with a serious business sophistication.

"Right around that corner. Be careful, someone just mopped," she added, returning to her oddly rhythmical typing.

I thanked her, walked off respectively, then when I was out of her sight, I sprinted to the bathrooms like my life depended on it. I nearly slipped on the floor, still managing to knock over the "CAUTION: WET FLOOR" sign. Genius.

The bathrooms mind as well have been made out of gold and diamond with their well polished porcelain and surprisingly pristine appearance. It was like the bathroom had come straight from Heaven and re-birthed itself in here. I've never peed feeling so royal in my life. The urinals had a built in auto-flush, emanating a light fragrance mist as I had stepped fully away. It was seriously like this was the bathroom for God Himself.

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