Chapter One

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Its raining again, the skies are dark and the ground is nothing but mud. I pulled the covers further over my head as if it were a protective cloak, though I was inside. Why couldn't the sun come out? I thought solemnly to myself. I glanced over to my clock on my phone. 05:27am. I groaned and shifted in my bed although I knew I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep. I stared up at my ceiling and watched as the stars began to move above me in a celestial dance. I liked watching them dance, it was comforting even though I knew they were just glow in the dark stickers. I don't know how long I lay, but it felt like only a moment before I heard my alarm go off. I rolled over and pressed the off button before throwing back my black blanket and getting out of bed.
"Good morning Arti," I heard my mother say from her room. I slipped into my fur rimmed slippers and put on my black and white Leopard print gown. After tying the belt, I crossed my room, picking up a small box and walking out my door. As I walked, I switched on lights and finally got to the door leading outside. When I opened it, I was blasted by cold air and hugged myself. I sat in the comfy white seat that stood under the roof. I took a cigarette out of the box and lit it with the silver lighter laying on the table. As I inhaled, I looked out towards the forest behind my house. In the misty air, it had a mysterious, almost haunting look to it, but to me it was home. On days when the sun was out, I would hike up the steep hill to the tree-filled haven. The rain fell on the roof, playing a heavy melody as the smoke whirled up towards the dark sky. Once I had finished, I put out my cigarette and went inside to get ready for school.
"Goodbye Artemis," my mother called. She had named me Artemis after the Greek goddess, being a fanatic about Greek mythology at the time. Although unique, it fit me, goddess of nature and animals. As I went to my room, I grabbed a dark green sweater off the chair,pulling it over my head as I picked up my bag. I slung my bag over my shoulders as I grabbed the keys to my black Volkswagen Beetle and headed out the door. Another day wasted in the epitome of hell: school.
As I pulled into the empty space in the parking lot, my eyes searched the courtyard for Deela and Nicola, my two best, and only, friends. I had many acquaintances, but my introverted personality only allowed few close friends. I turned off the engine and hiked my bag on to my shoulder before getting out. I spotted Nicola's cherry Red BMW convertible and knew that Deela was with her. I crossed the yard toward the maroon brick faced school that held a large gold sign above the door reading GALESON RODGERS HIGH SCHOOL. I walked through the open door and made my way to the courtyard in the middle of the building, my eyes roaming the faces that I've seen for the past three years. As I walked out, I caught a glimpse of dark hair with red streaks. I walked quickly towards Nicola, waiting for her to notice. Deela noticed me first and gave me a big smile. I waved and Nicola returned it, calling to me.
"Hey Artsy," she called, using the nickname she gave me after I told her I loved to paint.
"Hey guys, " I said as I sat down on the bench next to them.
"Did you hear about Natalie and James?" Deela asked, typically launching into a story the moment we all three were together.
"No?" I asked, waiting for her to start. Nicola rolled her eyes, obviously she heard the story before from a different mouth.
"Apparently she cheated on him and when he found out, he went crazy and beat up the guy and put him in hospital, " she explained.
"And who was the guy?" I asked, genuinely interested.
"Marc Harrison," she said, her large brown eyes going wider.
"Marc Harrison?" I asked shocked. Marc Harrison was one of the players of the school, rumor had it that he took seven girls' virginity already. Deela nodded as if she was shocked as I was, and suddenly pricked up, a huge smile plastered on her face. I looked up and saw her boyfriend, Isaac, walking towards us. He was a year older than us but he was one of the most gentlemanly people I know. He was very tall, compared to Deela's small height, and he's hair was a light brown compared to Deela's black hair.
"Hello beautiful, " he said to Deela, he's smile lighting up his pale skin. He kissed Deela on the forehead and wiggled his fingers in greetings to us.
"Ladies," he smirked and returned to Deela. They sat and held hands, Deela's dark skin deepening to a red. Nicola rolled her eyes again and turned to me.
"Another year of this every morning," she sighed.
"At least we only have to see it twice a day," I shrugged and smiled.
"What do you have first?" she asked me.
"Art, and you? "
"Business Studies," she said in an exasperated way. I let out a slight giggle before I heard the high ringing of the bell. I heard Deela and Isaac groan and saw the part from their embrace. I slung my bag around my shoulder and waved goodbye to the couple before walking with Nicola inside the building. Our school was large, it took me an entire three hours to explore every aspect of it the first day I was here. Nicola and I parted ways at the Language Wing and I walked to the Arts Wing. This was our school, each type of subject has its own wing: Dance, Art, Music, Drama and Voice Training was in the Art Wing, English, Spanish, French, German and Russian was in the Language Wing, Biology, Marine Biology and Physical Science was in the Science Wing and so on. As I walked, I passed the Science Wing and saw the lab through the glass viewing window. Two students and a teacher were all donned in white coats and clear goggles, protection from the dark green liquid they were now pouring into a heated beaker. I slowed my pace as I watched the liquid turn blue and bubble over, solidifying into foam as it left the tube. I walked on as the two students high fived each other. After five minutes, I reached the Art Wing and smiled at all the artwork on the walls, noticing some of my own amongst the collection. I stopped at a brightly painted door, with 'ART' written in yellow and glitter. I walked inside the class and went to sit by my station, a few people already at their own. After a while, another bell rang and more people, along with the teacher, filed in. The teacher, Ms Hemingway, was a thin woman with bright purple hair and beads weighing her down.
"Good morning class," she greeted. The clasd murmured a greeting and took out their brushes.
"Today we'll be doing a self expression painting, whatever you feel best describes you, be it a color, animal or whatever, paint it. You may begin."
I got up and went to the paint closet, followed by the class, I picked one of each color and took a set of brushes. I picked up one of the small, cheap canvases Ms Hemingway provided and returned to my station. I set the canvas down and opened the paint jars. As I sat, I held a small brush in my hand and thought what I wanted to paint. Some of the others were doing the same, others already started. I noticed Carl Montez, a very depressed looking boy who always wore black, spreading large globs of black paint in the shape of a grim reaper onto his canvas. Suddenly, an idea formed in my mind and I dipped my brush into the brown paint and started to form a large tree, adding some personal touches such as a young woman resting at the base and stars hanging from the branches. It was to represent my love of nature and the stars were to signify my mindset of dreams always being within reach. Once I had finished, I set the canvas on the dry rack before the bell rang. I packed away my paints and grabbed my bag, walking out the door towards Biology.

"He looks so depressed, I'd almost feel sorry for him if he wasn't such a dick," Nicola said as she sipped her Coke, her eyes on James Carter, the handsome boy who beat up Marc Harrison. I shrugged and took a bite of my meatloaf with tomato sauce squeezed over it. As I chewed, I thought about just going home and sleeping the rest of the day away. Of course Deela and Nicola would never allow me to abandon them in the middle of the day. I once went home with a stomach bug and the next day I had Deela complaining that she was stuck with Nicola all day. Of course this was just sarcasm and she had Isaac but I couldn't help but laugh at her.
"Maybe that's why she cheated? " I suggested.
"Of course not, she's the biggest slut in school," Nicola replied.
"True, very true, " I agreed with a giggle. Everyone knew she was a slut, the type that went to big parties and hooked up with most of the boys there.
"Didn't she once hook up with Flynn Kensington?" I enquired.
"Oh my gosh, I remember that!" Nicola said. "They were at a party and she did him in the bathroom."
I remembered that story, it was big news since Flynn was dating one of the cheerleaders, Amy or something. Amy/something ended up screwing Hugh Davids, Flynns best friend, behind the Math Wing.
"Are you sure that wasn't you, Nic?" Deela asked jokingly, making me giggle.
"Of course, I love referring to myself as a slut," Nicola said sarcastically.
"At least you're not the only one, " I said making Deela choke on her meatloaf.
"Hey, wheres Isaac? " I asked curiously.
"Music class, he's practicing his piano piece for the school's art exhibition, " she explained. Ever since I've known him, Isaac was a lover of art and music, Deela often spoke about how he would play for her. Admittedly, I was jealous of them. I haven't had a serious boyfriend yet and I didn't plan on it any time soon. I started to play with my leftovers as Deela and Nicola spoke about a German test coming up. I did Russian so that held no interest for me. My mind started going blank, zoning out until I know longer paid attention to anyone. The shrill ringing of the bell snapped me out of my trance like state and I quickly said goodbye to Deela and Nicola. I ran out of the lunch hall towards my locker to get my books for Maths.

I pulled into the driveway and climbed out the car, my bag weighing down my left side. I opened the front door and dumped my keys in the small clay dish I made for art class. My mother wasn't home yet so I decided to order take outs for tonight, knowing she'd be late. I went upstairs to my room to do some homework. Thankfully, I didn't have a lot to do so it went by quickly, I finished within half an hour. I decided to call for the takeout, my stomach rumbling for food. I grabbed my phone and walked over to my snake cage, opening the door and allowing my corn snake, Apollo, to slither up my arm. As he curled around my forearm, I dialed the number for Xui Quing, the local Chinese restaurant. After a few rings I was greeted by a woman with a thick Chinese accent.
"Xui Quing restaurant, " she said.
"Hi, I'd like to place an order for delivery, " I answered. "Two chicken fried noodles and one large portion of sweet and sour pork please. " I heard the rustle of paper as she wrote down my order. Once she was finished, I gave my address and hung up. I held Apollo some more before returning him to his cage, sliding the glass door closed. I've always had a fascination with snakes, their smooth scales more appealing to me than fur. I grabbed my box of cigarettes off my bed table and made my way to the small balcony next to my desk. I slid open the door and stepped out, lighting up a cigarette as I watched the clouds growing thicker and darker. At least its not raining, I thought as I dragged on my cigarette. Once I had finished, I crushed it in the sand filled pot and walked inside to grab my phone. I flopped down on my green sheets and unlocked my overly large phone before I opened my messages.
3 New Messages:
Mom: hey sweetie, going to be late tonight so order yourself some food. See u soon babes, love u xx
I read the first message and replied: already done, love u too xx.
After I sent that, I looked at my other messages.
Nicola: heyyyy Arti, can you bring that cute brown jacket you have tomorrow, thanx.
I replied with a yes.
Unknown: you looked beautiful today, as always... D.
"D"? I said. I searched my mind for anyone I know by the name of D, the only one who I knew was Deela and I had her number. I quickly replied: who is this?
I waited for the message to send before exiting the chats. I heard a car pull up and ran downstairs to open for the delivery man. When I reached the bottom of the stairs, the doorbell rang. I opened the door and invited the young guy in, his arms laden with plastic bags and takeaway boxes.
"Ooooh, thank you, I'm starving! " I said as he loaded the food onto the counter before taking out the receipt. I pulled my wallet out and gave him the amount, allowing him to keep the change. He thanked me and left, leaving me to gorge myself on noodles and pork

I lay in bed, my eyes focused on the stars. I haven't had a reply from D yet and I couldn't help but guessing who he could be. Perhaps a wrong number? I thought. Yes, that must be it. Soon, my eyes fluttered shut and I was falling into a deep sleep...

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