Chapter I: The Sacrifice

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  "Iiiita-kuuun" you nagged to the raven haired man in the Akatsuki cloak who was walking in front of you. If you weren't you, he would have probably hit you or even killed you by now. Uchiha Itachi wasn't the type to tolerate such behavior, but he wouldn't hurt his partner with whom he grew friendly with over the time. 

"Oi! Ita-kun!" you repeated irritated that the Uchiha was ignoring you. As he kept silent, you lowered your arms that were supporting the back of your head and you picked up your pace decreasing the distance between you two. You caught up with him and was now standing in front of him.

"Are you listening to me?" you pointed your index finger at him.

"What do you want (y/n)-san?" he asked uninterested. He might have grown fond of you but he was still the same quiet person he had always been.

"Mataku*... like I said earlier, I am bored!!! I am trying to hold a conversation here, help me out Ita-kun"

He sighed hearing you nag again.

"Fine...what do you want to talk about?" he asked you kind of disappointed that he was forced to break the silence. He walked past you as he didn't want to waste any more time to fulfill the mission you were assigned.

A smile was formed on your face at his response. 

"Sharingan, your  Sharingan!" you walked faster to catch up to him once again. 

"What about it?" he would not meet your eyes throughout your discussion and he still sounded indifferent to whatever you were talking about. 

"Tell me, how can I acquire it,huh? I want the Mangekyou Sharingan" you stated cheerfully, feeling happy that you would level up.

Itachi suddenly stopped at your question. Unable to control your impetus, you bumped into him, hitting your head to his back. 

"Ouch! What the h-?" you asked but before completing your question you realized something was wrong with Itachi. The atmosphere that prevailed ran chills down your spine. 

"What's the matter Ita-kun?" you stayed there confused, ignorant. 

"You shouldn't desire such power" he finally answered but this time pain was visible in his voice.

"Eh?But why?I just wanna get stronger!"

"The Mangekyou Sharingan needs sacrifices for someone to attain it"

"What kind of sacrifices?" you proposed but no answer was given in return.

"Ita-kun, what did you sacrifice?" you insisted worried as you were for your partner. You grabbed his right hand forcing him to tell you. But no matter what you did he wouldn't say a word.

"ITACHI! ANSWER ME!" you yelled, angry at his behavior. Your bursting out was useless as silence remained. 

"Why aren't you telling me? I am your f*cking partner, stop being so distant" you raised your voice even louder than before, tightening your grip. 

Itachi, feeling intently your anger turned back to face you, your eyes locked on the ground and shacking of irritation. He sighed and patted your head. Then he turned his back at you once again. Your reaction to his actions was to raise your head while your eyes widened.

Just when you were convinced that you wouldn't be getting any answers off of Itachi, him talking surprised you. 

"The more I use Mangekyou Sharingan the blurrier I see" if your orbs could get bigger they would as this was too much to take in "When I fight Sasuke, I will definitely go blind...that's if I get out alive" he stated calmly as if he was referring to a simple matter. 

You felt the ground beneath you disappearing, your legs not being able to support your upper body, you fell on your knees. Itachi kept walking on ahead, without looking back. His back seemed to get wider and wider as time passed, and the distance longer.

"Ita-kun" tears running down your face...


*expressing annoyance (In Japanese) 

The Sacrifice (Uchiha Itachi x Reader LEMON)Where stories live. Discover now