head ache

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And like a slo-mo movie, Sneezy's head hit the wall with a THUD.

Bashful ran right to his unconcious friend. He didn't know what to do, he was no doctor.

So he did what first came into his mind. He propped Sneezy's head on his lap, so at least his head wasn't on anything hard. He then checked Sneezy's head for any cuts, bruises, cracks. When he found none of those thingd, he had a small sigh of relief.

He them grabbed the ice-cool jug and placed it on Sneezy's head.

The jug started melting the slightest bit. Bashful had a mini panic attack.

"If I don't put ice on his head, he might not heal, but if I keep this jug on his head, it will melt...oh what can I do?!?!"

Then suddenly, a magical sound, and a snow sound came in Bashfuls ears. He saw an ice pack to put on Sneezy's head.

Then Elsa appeared. "Bashful, the glooms have found us, and are casting an 'anti spirit' spell to keep us out...you guys are now on your own..."

"No, we need you, Sneezy needs you..."

But it was to late a magical wind came by, and blew Elsa and her fellow spirits away.

Bashful sighed, and put the ice pack on his friends head.

A few hours later, Sneezy woke up. When Bashful saw this, he quickly hugged Sneezy.


Bashful loosened his hug. "Yes Sneezy?"

"Your squeezing me..."

Bashful let out and embarrased "oh" and stopped hugging Sneezy.

Sneezy then tried to stand up, but quickly became dizzy, and sat back down.

"I don't think you should try to stand Sneezy, I think you have a concophony." Bashful quickly stated.

"Its concussion Bashful, and I dont care, we need to find a way out." Sneezy again tried to stand, but immdiatly got dizzy.

"You have to rest Sneezy, you're in no condition to walk..."

Sneezy gumbled, "Of course, I get sick, and nobody thinks I can do anything. I get pitied and babied on, when I'm perfectly FINE!"

Bashful quickly comforted his friend. "We 'baby' you because we care for you. You do the same for me, and the other dwarfs when we get sick."

Sneezy then took a deep breath. "You're right Bashful, I guess I just dont like being useless, but nobody does."

Bashful nodded, and got out the sleeping hats. He helped put Sneezy in his hat (much to his annoyance) and put the ice pack back on Sneezy's head.

"Its best if you rest for maybe at least a day or two. And please, if you're not feeling better, please tell me. I want to help you. You've helped me a lot, I owe you back." Bashful said in his quiet voice.

"Don't worry Bashful, I will. And you don't owe me anything. Helping is just what friends do." Sneezy smiled at Bashful, and Bashful smiled back.

There was a long silence, before Bashful spoke again.

"You know, I saw Elsa earlier." Bashful quietly said.

Sneezy bolted his head a bit at the sound of her name. Big mistake, for his head throbbed at the sudden movement.

"You...you did? What did she say? Anything about me?"

Bashful sadly shook his head.

"Sorry, but no Sneezy. She gave me the ice-pack for your concussion, and then said the glooms found out they were here, and cast an 'anti-spirit' spell on them. I dont think we'll see Elsa again Sneezy, I'm super sorry."

Sneezy tried his best to not let a few tears slip, but they did.

Bashful then hugged his friend.

"I'm SO sorry Sneezy, I know you liked her."

Sneezy embraced the hug. "Its okay Bashful, its not your fault the glooms are evil. Plus, it was bound to happen anyway."

Bashful still lookded guilty, so Sneezy suggested they go to bed and sleep, so they did.

"Grim! Our attemps of getting the rest of the 7D are failing! DO SOMETHING!!!!" Hildy screeched at her husband.

"Well, there is that idea you had that would take about a week."

Hildys face brightened at remembering her big plan. "Alright Grim, let's do it..."

Grim goofily cheered. "Hooray. *goes into Peaches carrige* speedily Peaches!"

Hildy rolled her eyes. "Grim, we are NOT riding Peaches!"

"Aw, why not..." Grim whined.

Hildy groaned. "Because, this spell takes normally a week. If we take Peaches, it will take us 7 MONTHS to complete it."

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