Chapter 7

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Finn hung up his phone and tossed it next to him as he lied in his bed. He was depressed, wracking his brain for answers to the night before. But suddenly, a burst of excitement filled his body. She called! She wanted to go out again! He obviously did something right.

"Jaaaaake Jake JAKE!" Finn yelled, rolling around in his bed.

"Finn, what's the deal?" Jake stretched up to their bedroom.

"Flame Princess wants to go out tonight! I don't know what was up with this morning but she's clearly not upset with me. We're meeting at the lake at sundown. What do you think we should do? Do you think you can stay at Lady's again in case I need the treehouse?"

"I can be gone but I think you two should spend more time away from the treehouse. More specifically away from your bed!" Jake wrapped his noodley arms around Finn and lifted him from his bed as he laughed.

"Jake, I gots this," Jake gently put Finn back down, "I finally have the opportunities I need to close this deal. We're already going on date number two!" Finn hopped up.

"Just remember why you're dating. To get to know each other again. You both have changed over the years, you gotta make sure you still have those pumps and bumps in your heart! I'll be sure to be gone tonight. Maybe you can make her my new spaghetti sauce!"

As Jake blathered on, Finn excitedly daydreamed of what his second date would be like. Maybe he'd bring her flowers as a nice gesture. Or maybe that was too lame. He had to act natural, not like he was overly excited, even though he was. Tonight had to be perfect.

Flame Princess was also worried about the night. She decided tonight had to be the night: she was either falling for Finn again or she needed to stop seeing him all together. The thought weighed heavily on her mind. Imagining letting Finn go hurt her heart. She didn't like thinking about not being with him. But she had to make sure she knew what she was getting into. This was a new, confident Finn. A seasoned hero, a humorous young adult. She had to prepare herself for what dating will bring.

That night, the two lovers met at the lake. Flame Princess arrived first followed by a spirited Finn. She was nervous: he was clueless.

They began to talk about casual things: how her kingdom was doing, the adventures Finn had been on recently-they laughed together, smiled together. Flame Princess was enjoying herself so much she didn't want to bring up the inevitable. But it needed to be done. Maybe she'd wait until after dinner.

After a few hours talking by the lake, the two headed back to the treehouse. This time, Finn actually had time to cook for the princess. They ate and laughed and enjoyed their time together.

Flame Princess fought with the urges steaming to the surface. She was doing well keeping things about conversation, but as they finished up dinner she couldn't help but begin to thirst for him again.

Tonight felt different from the other night, however. She didn't feel as vicious, as animalistic. She truly wanted to enjoy her time with Finn. Maybe she was falling for him after all?

Finn cleared their plates and put the dishes in the sink. He then reached his hand over for a piece of foil.


Finn walked to Flame Princess and wrapped her hair in the foil in a bun on top of her head. He smiled as his fingers maneuvered around the foil. Flame Princess stared at him with wide eyes. She knew she needed to be honest and talk about their relationship, but she could only go limp as he took her hand and led her up to the bedroom.

Finn removed her dress, kissing her on her shoulder tenderly. Chills ran down her spine. Now was her chance to behave: to talk it out before acting out. But she couldn't get the words to come out.

He gently pulled her down next to him on the bed and began to kiss her sweetly. It wasn't long before Finn melted into her as their bodies became one. But this time was different. Their motions were slower, more tentative. Their kisses were more passionate, more heartfelt. She felt them becoming one inside and out. Even though she wasn't supposed to be taking any action, this confirmed her feelings: she was in love with Finn.

As they came to a stop, Flame Princess settled into Finn's chest, making little circles with her finger tips. Now is the perfect time to talk.

"Finn, I'm really happy." She started.

"Me too." He breathed deeply.

"I have to be honest, I wasn't sure if I wanted to date you again but after tonight I know I want to be with you."

She felt Finn go still.

"You, what? Wait what?" Finn sat up straight in bed.

"I'm just saying how happy I am that things are working out..."

"No what you said before. You weren't sure? So what was last night all about? What about tonight? We're you just using me to figure out if you actually wanted anything to do with me? I thought you knew what you wanted. Princess, this is really unfair." Finn moved away from the princess.

"But the important part is I've made up my mind. Finn, I knew I wanted to be with you, I just had to convince myself... Wait no, not convince myself.."

"Convince yourself?! Listen to yourself! You don't sound honest and true. You sound like you're forcing a relationship out of an idea you like. Flame Princess, do you love me? Because I love you. I love you entirely. I don't need any dates to determine that."

Flame Princess stared blankly at Finn. She felt it inside but now that she was put on the spot to say it, she felt like she was going to throw up. Any words that came to the surface felt like they would just tumble out like word salad.

"Tell me." Finn stared into her eyes, holding onto her arms tightly.

"I...I...Finn, you know how I feel. I just said how happy I am that-"

"You can't even say it! You sure can go through the motions but you can't say you love me? I think it's time for you to leave." He stood up and handed her her dress.

Flame Princess was at a loss for words. Why couldn't she just say it? She was frozen.

"If you won't go, I will. You know how to let yourself out." Finn threw his clothes on, grabbed his sword and was out the door before Flame Princess could even take a breath.

"I love you." She whispered, standing up from the bed. "I love you" she collapsed to the ground, sobbing onto her dress in her hands.

What had she done?

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