Chapter 3

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Today was the day. The royal ball of the Fire Kingdom. All across Ooo, folks were preparing for the exciting event.

Finn stared in the mirror attempting to straighten his bright red bow tie. He was looking sharp with his black suit and new haircut. He removed his signature hat and placed it on a hanger in his bathroom. Time to retire the old thing for the night. He tried to comb his finger through his still shaggy, thick locks but gave up after a few minutes.

"Finn, you about ready?" Jake popped in, a matching red tie around his neck. "Lady and the pups are already on their way there. We gotta hurry! I don't want to miss the beginning."

Finn felt his face burn hot. He had grown into a confident young man, but his confidence was wavering tonight. Every time he and Flame Princess met, it was uncomfortable. And now with her trying to date, he only felt more awkward. He couldn't help but have his hopes up. Maybe she could come around.

Across Ooo in the Fire Kingdom, the princess was preparing for her big night as well. She wore a red top, cropped at her waist and a long red skirt, a short train dragging in the back. Her hair was delicately braided and draped down her back. Tendrils of firey hair shaped her face. Her hands gripped the sink in front of her as she looked at herself in the mirror. She took a deep breath, trying to prepare herself for the evening.

"You can do this. You deserve this." She whispered to herself. She took one last look at herself before sliding out of her washroom.

"Princess, you look great!" CB greeted her in her room. "Are you ready? Your first dance is with Stan of the Fire Kingdom. I hear he's a pretty hot guy, heh heh. Hot."

Stan? Phoebe Flame Princess and STAN? It just sounded ridiculous. Was this what the whole night was going to be like? A whole bunch of STANS?

Flame Princess began to have second thoughts. Maybe this whole thing was a bad idea.

"Cinnamon Bun, my queen," a guard interrupted, "Finn and Jake have arrived. Should we start the event now?"

He came? Finn actually showed up. Suddenly energy rushed into her body. If she could just get past dancing with the Stans of the party, maybe she could have some time with Finn. Her mind began to fight with itself. What if that wasn't what she wanted? What if Finn wasn't the answer to her loneliness? What if it was a Stan or John or Mr. Cupcake? She had to give everyone a chance, at least. That was the point of this whole event.

"Ok, CB. Let's go." She linked arms with the bun as they walked out of her room, down the corridors and into the grand ballroom.

The room was filled with blue-candy people, grass people, wizards, witches, flame citizens, even water elementals had made their way into the kingdom. It was severely overwhelming. But among the blue attendees, she managed to see one tall person in particular: Finn. She had to make her way towards him somehow.

"Princess, this is Stan. He would like to have your first dance." CB handed FP's hand into the flaming hand of a drop of fire. She reluctantly began to dance with the fire man, continually spotting her head to watch Finn chat with the gaggle of women pursuing him. Almost seemed like this ball was for Finn, he was getting so much attention.

"I learned to dance from my dad. He danced in an acting troupe! Do you like plays?" Stan the fire man asked.

"Uhuh." She tried her best to be polite.

Across the room, Finn entertained a group of girls. He kept an eye on Flame Princess. Should he cut in? Would it be weird to ask her to dance? He gave it some time before excusing himself from his admirers.

Jake was dancing with Lady as Finn approached. "Jake, I need advice." He put his hands on Jake's shoulders, stopping his wiggling movement. "Do I dance with Flame Princess? I feel like it's the polite thing to do, right? Right?" He became a bit frantic.

"Finn. Calm down. If you want to dance with her just go do it. But don't get your hopes up, bud. You know where you two stand." Jake melted out of Finn's grip and continued to dance with his newly wed wife.

Finn decided to just do it. He fights monsters every day. How could dancing with his ex love be any scarier?

As he approached Flame Princess, she almost threw Stan out of her arms.

"Finn..." She stopped.

"May I cut in?" Finn bowed.

Stan looked a bit irritated, but he returned the bow and removed himself from the princess.

Finn clasped Flame Princess's hand in his. He wrapped another hand around her slender waist. They locked eyes and paused. Finn smiled like a little boy-Flame Princess blushed brightly.

"Ahem, dance?" Cinnamon Bun interrupted.

"HA! Right! Come on, FP!" Finn glided across the ballroom, leading Flame Princess in a simple but elegant dance.

"How have you been?" Finn never broke eye contact once.

"Oh, just the same. This whole deal was Cinnamon Bun's idea. I just went along with it. I thought a party would be fun since we've never had one in the fire kingdom because, ya know, it's boiling hot and everything..." She felt herself rambling. But she couldn't stand the silence that fell between them as Finn simply smiled at her.

After a few moment of thick silence, the princess broke eye contact and looked at her feet.

"You look beautiful." Finn stopped dancing and lifted her chin up. "I haven't seen you this happy in a long time. You really seem to have things going well for you. I just wanted to talk, since we don't really ever, ya know? friends again."

"Finn, do you want to get out of here?" Flame Princess had no idea what she was saying. CB had put this whole thing together, but all she wanted was to feel Finn, not through a magic shield, but his real, soft skin. "We can, ya know. Talk. For a bit."

"I don't know if your suitors would like that very much." Finn twisted his face.

"It'll just be for a few minutes. I just want to escape the party for a bit."

Finn shrugged. A warm feeling grew in his stomach. "Lead the way, princess."

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