An Introduction

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This whole story might be in Avi's POV I'm not sure I'm still deciding- Jay
Avi's POV
Kirstie has been the perfect wife to me she has been the perfect mother to our three children who's names are: Benjamin, Camille and Austin. Austin is the youngest out of the three and Camille is the oldest I was surprised Kirstie even wanted kids when we got married 10 years ago, but life has been perfect for the both of us.
Three Years Later
I kiss Kirstie on the head and I hug the kids "I'll be back, I'm just going out for a ride on my motorcycle" Austin's bottom lip starts to quiver "Austin, Daddy won't be gone for long, I'll be back in an hour or so" he nods and I kiss his head. The kids go to their playroom thing and I kiss Kirstie on the lips "You look amazing for three children" she smiles "I love you, be safe" "I love you too, I will be safe" I walk out the front door and into the garage, I uncover my bike and I hop on it
Thirty minutes later
I pull up to a red light and when I see who's driving the car beside me I almost lose my shit because it's Jeremy Kirstie's ex the one who was overprotective and wanted to kill me when he found out we were dating (even though they weren't dating what the hell dude). I go through the intersection and I go to turn but he speeds up and he hits me, I go flying off my bike and I pass out.
Several months later
I wake up to my husband Scott holding my hand telling me how much he loves me "Scotty?" He looks up "Avi!!!" He hugs me tight and I start to cry into his chest "I missed you" "I missed you too sweetheart" he kisses me
End of chapter one.
Sorry that is such a short beginning I wanted to write more but I couldn't think of anything else, next chapter will maybe be longer

Why Did This Happen?Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant