Chapter 2

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Ever since that night, you couldn't help but feel so accomplished from what you have done. Looking from left and right, you headed to an alleyway that was next to the museum and declared a large smoke bomb. This caught the police's attention and lied on the floor as if you were knocked out. Aoko was the first to approach your body as she held you close. She called out to you and her father called in the ambulance. You found yourself in the hospital, 'waking up' to her sleeping on the chair besides your bed. Mr. Nakamori walked in, slightly surprised to see you awake.

"Oh, [ f/n ]. You're awake. How are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling a little dizzy but I think I'm going to be okay."

He let out a small smile before nodding, giving Aoko a soft shake. She murmured in her sleep before finally waking up. She gasped when she saw you sitting up and nearly lunged herself at you. You grunted, laughing as she was apologizing for dragging you into the mess. You smiled and hugged her back, telling her that everything was going to be okay.

"Well Aoko, we should let her rest since she's been through a lot of stuff today."

"Yeah, you're right. I'll let you get your rest [ f/n ]. Get well, okay?"

You nodded as you saw them leave your hospital room, hearing the door softly shut. You let out a soft sigh as you laid back in bed and looked at the ceiling. You were about to close your eyes but then you suddenly felt the air tense up just the slightest. As if there was another person in the room.

"Kaito Kid-san, you shouldn't be sneaking around in a girl's room at the hospital. That's rude."

You chuckled as you looked out the window, what once was just the light of the city of Tokyo was then a man in a clad of a white suit and matching top hat. You smiled as you sat up on your bed, leaning against the small head board the hospital provided.

"You're quite the actress, M'lady. I honestly didn't expect that you would be involved in these kind of activities."

"A girl has to make a living while she's still at this age, no? An incoming adult, barely having any money and now I'm in the hospital. I don't want to rely on my poor parents."

You slightly stood up from bed as you stood to your feet, looking at him as you held onto the railing of the bed. You took another step forward but then you slightly tripped, falling back. In one quick movement, he was there, holding you in his arms as he looked down at you.He gave you a smirk and slightly held you tighter.

"You shouldn't even be out of bed, Miss."

You couldn't help but blush when you noticed that his face was really close to yours. He let out one of the seductive chuckles and helped you to your feet again, still having his arm wrapped around your waist.

"You're such a player, you know that?"

"I don't recall myself being a player. I guess you could say that I have a certain charm to bad girls like you."

He smirked once more, slowly leaning in and trying to get at something. You laughed as you were able to move away and go missing, making him slightly confused. He looked around for a minute before looking behind him as you waved your finger at him.

"Ah, ah, ah ~ I'm not going to let you have your ways."

You laughed as you walked to your closet and opened it, grabbing your spare change of clothes. He watched you as you walked around your room to fix a few things.

"I assume that you will be going to attend the heist tonight?"

"You're going to steal the shoes tonight? Those aren't worth stealing you know."

Kaito Kid let out a soft shrug as he moved around to lean against the wall by the window. "I'm actually holding up a show. I think you will like it."

"Oh really?"

You were busy packing your things as your attention was more focused on putting your things away, you didn't happen to notice that he was standing right behind you and slightly leaning forward to whisper in your ear.


You yelped with surprise as you turned around and covered your right ear, blood rushing back to your cheeks as you were angered. "Don't do that!"

He just let out a chuckle as he moved away from you, his hands up in the air defensively. You were about to scold him but he was already standing by the window sill.

"I hope to see you later tonight, Miss."

And with that, he tilted his head as he fell from the 8 story hospital and glided away on his hand glider. You sighed as you combed your hair out of your face and went back to the table with all of your things. You blinked when you noticed a long stem rose set on top of your back and you couldn't help but shake your head and smile at it, gently holding the rose to your chest and looking out the window once more.

"What a player."

Possession - Kaito KID x ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora