Tony nodded. "I did love my Mom very much. She was always kind and she took me places and she always smelled nice," he began. "You smell nice too, just different," he said clarifying.

Jenny smiled.

"When she died, it was really horrible. I was so scared because I didn't really know my father and Senior could be real mean when he wanted to be. My nanny and the cook were always nice but it wasn't the same. Then, well I'm not sure what happened, but suddenly I was with Dad and he is nothing like Senior. I never knew fathers could be like that, all caring and wanting to keep me safe and stuff. And then there was you. Even though you don't live here like a Mom, well you didn't anyway, not sure what's gonna happen now... but, when you were here you would help me out and talk to me and do stuff with us. That made me feel wanted and I haven't felt that since my first mom was alive."

Tony lowered his head and began picking at his fingernails.

Jenny gently lifted his chin. "Tony, as I said before, I think of you as my son and to have you call me Mom would be the greatest honour. Thank you."

She leaned in and gently kissed him on the forehead.

"Do you think Ziva will call you Mom as well?" asked Tony as he sat back into the sofa.

"That will be up to her Tony," replied Jenny. "Like I said to you, I don't expect either of you to call me Mom. I'm honoured if you do, but it doesn't change the way I love you."

"I hope she does," said Tony. "Then people will think we're a real family."

"Tony, we are a real family," said Jenny firmly. "Names and titles don't determine who is family or not, nor does blood. Family is the way we love each other, care and protect each other. That's what makes us a family. Look at Abby and Tim? Your Dad thinks of them as his kids as much as he does you and Ziva but they don't call him Dad."

Suddenly getting an idea, Jenny said, "Do you know about nouns and verbs Tony?"

"Yeah, nouns are naming words and verbs are doing words," he replied.

"That's right," affirmed Jenny. "Well many people think that 'family' is a noun and, while it can be, I believe the word family is more of a verb. It's a doing word. Family is about actions, not names and titles. We are a family because of the way we love each other. I mean look at us? Not one of us shares a surname, but we are more family than many who do."

"Yeah, you're right," said Tony nodding his head. "Senior and I share a whole name, not just a last name, but he's not really my family. Not like you, Dad and Ziva are."

"I'm glad you get what I mean," said Jenny smiling. "Some people are very lucky in that they are part of a family that does share a last name, but that isn't what defines them as a family."

Tony nodded again.

"I...," he began shyly."I love you Mom," he said and reached over for another hug.

Holding him tightly, Jenny couldn't stop the tears that fell.

"And again," came a loud voice shattering the peace and tranquility of the scene. "I find you in the arms of a woman while I'm off doing my parental duties. And this time, it's my woman!" said Gibbs in mock anger.

"She's mine too," said Tony as he pulled away from Jenny and grinned at his Dad. "I asked Jenny if I could call her Mom and she said yes!"

"That's great Tony," said Gibbs trying to hide his surprise. "Are you sure about that?"

"Yep," replied Tony. "I've wanted to ask her for a while but didn't really know how and, well after tonight, I figured it would be a good time. So I guess you're stuck with me now," he said laughing.

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