It Was Nice...Until it Wasn't

Start from the beginning

"Let's eat," he suggested. Ally was so awed that she had forgotten that she was also starving. 

"Okay, what do you have? And...where is it?" she asked. 

"It's over here, underneath my jacket. And I have pasta, and french fries, and salad. And pickles of course!" Ally laughed. 

"You know me to well."

"Hey, as much as I like to think that, you told me you like pickles the first day we ever wrote a song together," he reminded.

"God, that seems like such a long time ago. Even don't remember everything," she said.

"It does feel kinda long. But it wasn't really, when you think about it. Only about a year and a half."

"A lot has changed since then. Look at us now. We've both changed so much," Ally observed. 

"Change isn't always a bad thing," Austin pointed out.

"In this situation, it's been a great thing. But there's other things...that aren't so great."

"You're thinking about how you might have to move again, aren't you?" he guessed. Ally nodded. "Well don't think about it. Just eat this food with me."

"And someone's hungry, aren't they?" It was Austin's turn to nod, and he did so with a sheepish look on his face. "What is it with guys? No matter how much food you eat, you're still always hungry," Ally teased.

"Im not always! Just right now!" he argued. She rolled her eyes. 

"Oh, it doesn't matter. I'm hungry, too. Let's eat." The first thing Ally reached for was the jar of pickles.  Austin laughed. "Hey. Don't judge." Austin put up his hands.

"Not judging." They ate with the wind rushing past their faces, yet the atmosphere peaceful. Ally of course began humming to herself. When she finished eating she immediately looked over Miami again. It was so beautiful, and she never wanted it to end. 

"Austin, look at the sunset!" she gasped. "Gorgeous." He joined her on the basket's edge. "Thank you for all of this. It's probably the best day of my life," she told him. 

"You're welcome."

"I'm really sorry, though. I didn't know if tonight wold be any good." 

"It's okay, I understand. I mean, I don't know anything new about Rebecka, and I'm scared for her, but I still wanted to make this special. For you."

"And the fact that you did that through all of the chaos makes it that much more special," Ally assured him. 

They kissed, the world, to Ally, seemingly revolving around nothing but the two of them. When they broke apart, Austin checked the time.

"Oh, we've gotta get back to the ground. I only have the balloon for another twenty minutes." Ally sighed.

"Aw. I wish we could stay here forever."

"So do I, but..." Austin trailed off.

"I"m not complaining though. I'm glad that this date existed at all." 

The balloon began to decline its height, slowly. At last, it bumped against the earth. Austin helped Ally out, and thanked the man had supposedly been in charge of the balloon.

Austin and Ally walked back down the path they had come from, with Ally still marvelling at what she had just experienced. 

"I can't believe we just did that!" she kept saying. 

"Well we did," he mocked her after about her tenth time. She blushed, adorably. 

"I know, I know I'm being annoying! But I've never done that before!"

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