Chapter 6

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Pain. That's what I awoke to from my restless sleep. It was still dark outside, the morning birds not even flying about yet. Deep breathing could be heard beside me on the bed that I now shared with my husband. He was sleeping still. My eyes flickered to his weapons belt. Tempting, but the consequences were too great.

I could faintly see my bite mark in the rapidly fading candlelight until after a while I was engulfed in darkness once more. It slowly became lighter outside. I watched the shadows recede from the corners of the room. Glancing at Ramsay, I couldn't help but think how at peace he looked asleep. He seemed innocent almost. I almost wanted to touch him. He unconsciously felt for me, I moved away. I would rather freeze than sleep in the warmth of his arms. Ever. Not matter how cold I got. And right now I was freezing my butt naked self-off.

He seemed to notice my absence as his eyes opened slightly. He was awake. The cruelness and malice seeped from his being once more. Granted he didn't look at me the same maliciousness. But his gaze still unsettled me even now as he sleepily gazed at me.

"Come here. You'll freeze to death." He said quietly, reaching to roughly pull me back flush against him. But I resisted, I really didn't want him touching me. He abruptly sat up. The furs falling to his waist which modestly covered him.

"Elspeth. Come here." I only looked at him in disgust. I wasn't one of his dogs he could order around. So caught up in my hateful thoughts I was too slow at moving away when he grabbed me around the waist and pulled my entire weight to him. He was still naked which made me incredibly uncomfortable. But he was warm to my resentment. My feet and hands were cold, Ramsay's sharp intake of breath could be heard when I placed my cold feet on his legs. Before I knew it I had grudgingly fallen back asleep.


The lines of the sentences in my book became blurred the more I daydreamed. Occasionally I would sip my wine. I felt lonely here. I had none, not a friend in the world close to me. This was my third glass of wine in the past hour, I knew I should stop but I ached and there was nothing else to relieve the pain. Bruises littered her arms and a cut adorned her bottom lip. It stung as she indulged in her wine.

The sound of the door opening broke me from my reverie. I put my wine and book down. Of course it was Ramsay. It's not as if he would let me have visitors other than 'Reek'.

The sound of the buckle of a belt coming undone, seemed to ring in my ears. I could feel my pulse speed up.

"Take off your clothes." As the words left his mouth, my blood turned to ice. I wasn't ready for this. The memory of our wedding night still so fresh in my mind. I childishly turned my back to him with my arms crossed. Impatience clouded his eyes. They were a sharp pale blue. Little did he know I had the letter opener hidden on my person. I never bothered putting one of my gowns on, only my dress slip remained. Fear pulsed through my being and with that came impulsiveness. I twirled to face him, as his rough hands rose to touch me, and stabbed him in the thigh. My thoughts turned into a flurry blur. It wouldn't have done much damage, though it would have broken the skin to form a shallow cut. It was just enough to shock him. I bumped into reek on the way who stood beside the door. I slammed it shut before either of them could stop me, then sprinted down the corridor in nothing but my slip to find a suitable hiding place. His mad laughter could be heard, it echoed. It was becoming a game of hide and seek. A game which Ramsay would no doubt ultimately win. The hunt was on.


I was careful of people seeing me. I stuck to the shadows the more the night descended. It was unbelievably cold. But I didn't shiver only from the chilliness of the night air. The thought of Ramsay finding me was frightening enough. It motivated me to keep hidden. He would without a doubt eventually find me. He must have had his bastard boys looking for me, they passed me too much for it to be a coincidence at this time of night. They tauntingly called my name.

"There you are." Ramsay exclaimed cheerfully. He dragged me to him in a tight embrace.

"No." I said breathlessly, trying to stop him from touching me. His bruising grip began to hurt as it enclosed around me like a vice. I didn't even know he was there.

"You've been very naughty. Very naughty indeed. How do you think I should punish such wicked behaviour? You left your husband in want." He tutted. I could feel him smiling into my hair. Smugness radiated off his being. I kicked him in the leg where I had stabbed him. I hoped it hurt. I remained silent causing him to sign in discontent. But in retaliation he groped my breast harshly.

"Fine." He whined when not even a small whimper could be heard. He gripped me tightly and picked me off my feet. I struggled in his arms the whole way back to our chambers, much to his amusement. I could see it in his eyes. He had enjoyed this. I panicked as we neared the chambers door.


What a game! Ramsay thought excitedly. It had taken him ours to locate her. He knew that Elspeth wouldn't have left the fort. Especially in nothing but her slip. He wouldn't fuck her tonight. She should think of it as a reward, Ramsay thought as he threw her back on their bed. She scrambled to the head board. He rather liked her like that, except he should let her rest tonight. But then she did look rather ravishing in this state. Wild eyes and in nothing but her underclothes. No she should not have run from him. Though he wouldn't punish her for it, tonight should be special. It was after all a reward for amusing him.

Ramsay stripped down to his breaches, then walked over to the basin to wash his face and neck. After patted himself dry he snaked over to the bed where his lovely wife buried herself amongst the pillows. He huffed this would take patience. He loved the idea that she was scared of him in that moment, he revelled that she had bitten him. That she had been rough with him. He would at least try to be gentle with her. He would make his wife participate this time, only because he knew she would hate him more for it.

Ramsay crawled onto the bed and lay beside her. He looked almost sympathetic while he placidly stroked her hip. Elspeth new there was a purpose to why he was doing this. But what purpose exactly she couldn't tell. Placing a soft kiss on her temple, he picked up her hands and softly guided her fingers to the laces of his breaches. He silently threatened Elspeth if she didn't comply. Her fingers shook as she pulled on the laces unsurely, undoing them shakily.

"Touch it. Look at my cock." he in a volatile whispered, shifting his hips slightly. Elspeth glanced down but quickly looked away. A blush crept onto her pale cheeks as she cautiously withdrew her hands. Ramsay growled and forcefully brought her hands back. Her long fingers edging into his pants until she met something big... and soft.

"Good girl... now pull my breaches down." She did as she was told and pulled his pants further down his legs. He kicked them off onto the floor. She stared at his crotch. It seemed to get harder the more she touched it. This fascinated her, especially when Ramsay groaned. Perhaps I could control him this way... she thought, pulling on his semi erect cock. She curiously touched his balls. That action enticed another small moan from him. The sounds he made induced a wetness between her legs that she was most unfamiliar with.

"Enough of that." He said breaking through the haze of his pleasure. If she continued with that he would lose control and his wife would not like that. Of course, Ramsay certainly wouldn't object, he grew easily bored with 'love making' he much preferred to fuck, but he would indulge his wife just this once. He needed her to trust him. He wanted her trust. He wanted her, completely and utterly. There was something about Elspeth Black that drew him in and not just the sweet curve of her body.

They continued late into the night. Even when dawn had broke across the sky.

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