Chapter 2

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"I am not marrying you!" I said in defiance. Regardless of what arrangements had been made. I would rather live in squalor than marry this beast.

"Your wrong. You will marry me and there is nothing you can do or say to stop it." He continued to mock me. He was enjoying this! His attention was suddenly diverted downwards. I had momentarily forgot about my injured hand. Droplets of blood fell quickly from the wound onto the stone floor. I distractedly played with the crimson liquid against my pale skin in shock. I never anticipated on it bleeding so much. Before I could as much as blink, he had his hands around my injured one. Rough, grey fabric poked out from under his fingers. He was applying pressure to my hand to stem the bleeding. I watched on in fascination.

"Do it again." He goaded. I glared at him and snatched my hand away. The bloody fabric just about soaked to its every fibre. It had stopped bleeding considerably.

I sneered in distaste but said nothing. I sat back into the wooden chair next to the small window, impatiently waiting for him to leave. Only he made no indication of leaving anytime soon. So I ignored him and gently cleaned my hand up with the bloody rag and picked up a book about north of the wall that I had left earlier on the table. It was very interesting, except it was something I had read too many times to count. I signed as a small droplet of blood ran down my hand and landed on the cream white page of my worn book. I got up to fetch a bandage of sorts that had been packed in my trunk.

Something must have caught Ramsay's attention as I moved my neatly packed clothes and what not around because not a moment later he was pulling my bow from the bottom. I said nothing to him yet I still watched him from the corner of my eyes as he inspected my bow. It was handmade by myself. It was my pride and most treasured possession. No jewel or gown could be equivalent to its sentimental value. He didn't seem to mind invading my personal space. But this was his home.


Ramsay inspected the elegantly carved wooden bow. Its craftsmanship was admirable. He ran his fingers across the wood. Oh how'd he like to hunt with this. The thought sent a shiver of anticipation down his spine.

"Where did you get this?" he asked, barely masking his deign. His curiosity flared.

"I made it." Elspeth answered quietly as she concentrated on finishing the dressing on her hand. A wide smile spread across his face. He wouldn't admit that she had a talent. No, where was the fun in that.

"Do you like hunting?" he asked innocently yet a hint of excitement was discernible. Elspeth caught on instantly. She knew something was up when he mentioned hunting. She saw something in his smirk that was almost cruel.

"Depends what you're hunting I guess. Though I prefer larger game myself." As the words left her mouth his smiled widened. His teeth almost became visible.

"Perhaps we shall hunt later on... after we marry of course. Two days from now." He was beyond curious what her reaction was to hunting his whores. Perhaps she would even like it. Unlikely he thought. Only Myranda had ever understood of what the chase of the hunt truly felt like.

Elspeth blanched. So soon? She swallowed nervously. She did not want this. But she knew it was non-negotiable. This marriage was going to transpire whether she liked it or not.


"She would be valuable. She may be quiet but she is no fool." Esmond warned.

"She seems intelligent enough. Though, rather innocent. " Roose replied, at least he seemed more interested in their conversation than the lord sitting across from him.

"As you say. I would not be so easily convinced. She has a violent streak when provoked." Esmond answered. He had no desire to subject his daughter to marriage so soon. But it had to be done.

"Good. Ramsay and her should get along fine." Roose replied, though he doubted they would. He didn't believe Ramsay capable of loving another.

"When will the ceremony commence?" Esmond asked, he wasn't interested really. But he wanted to return home to his wife. Where they could mourn the death of their sons together.

"In the next few days I would imagine. Ramsay lacks patience." Roose remained stoic and grim. His wife sat beside him, forgotten. She drank deeply from her goblet. A droplet of wine escaping her plump lips. Her fat tongue darted out to catch it. The two lords talked little for the rest of their meal. It was a quiet affair once Ramsay left, shortly after Elspeth.


The cold night had descended on Winterfell. A few servants and guards crept around the shadows of the courtyard. Elspeth had deemed it safe for her to wonder by herself. The more she had to do with people the more she came to dislike them. Though she preferred her own company over anyone's. She silently trailed down the corridors. The moon light seeped in from the windows, alighting her path. Suddenly she heard footsteps from behind her. She heard not clinking of armour, obviously not a guard. But the soft rubbing of leather could be heard. Elspeth stepped into the shadows of an alcove. Her breathing carefully turned shallow. She did not trust anyone here so she had brought her bone handled dagger as a precaution. The shadow of a man could be seen then the very person themselves. The darkness of their hair easily recognisable. It was Ramsay. How curious.

Elspeth decided to follow him through the darkened corridors until they came outside. Elspeth stayed inside the halls and watched where he went. The pale snow crunched under the soles of his well-made leather boots. He looked very handsome under the light from the moon, which dimly reflected off the snow that had settle on the flat ground. Ramsay opened a door and went down a flight of stairs that seemed to go on forever. Elspeth wasn't stupid she knew he was going to what she assumed was the dungeons.

Though Elspeth by far was certainly much more interested in another part of the walls of the enclosure of Winterfell. It was heavily lit with candles. She diverted her attention from the direction Ramsay went and moved towards it. The closer she got the more she could hear noises inside. She backed away from the door as soon as she heard what obviously were hounds. From what could be told there were a lot of them. She cautiously stepped inside the room. The gates were unlocked. Though the moment she stepped into the enclosure. The hounds went deathly silent. Soft whimpering could be heard from them as she investigated further. They were afraid of her. Why? she had no idea. Nonetheless she found it amusing. Though what she came across at the end of the room, in one of the very last cages. Shocked her somewhat. There was a man that she recognised from the dining hall. Upon noticing her presence he whimpered just like the other pathetic dogs in here. His stuttered muttering was undistinguishable.

"I see you have discovered my prize." Whispered a familiar voice. Their breathe created a fog in the chilly air.

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