Is He Alive Or Not

Start from the beginning

Santo lifted his arms slowly and wiped my face. "I'm not leaving you." Santo told me. I smiled and kissed his forehead. "You were in surgery for 24 hours and 17 minutes. I was terrified and I know you were." I said. Santo smiled. "I was dreaming about you and the kids." He told me. I smiled.

"Baby, I'm so sorry. I should have shot after I hid the kids." I said. Santo shook his head. "No, you did the right thing." He told me. He was getting slightly out of breath. "Babe, stop talking okay. I know it hurts you trying." I said. Santo nods a little and his eyes water. The pain medicine must be wearing off. "You want me to get the doctor?" I asked. He nods slightly so, I get the doctor.

"Here you go, Mr. August." The nurse said, putting the pain medicine in his IV. Santo nods, thanking her. She smiles and walks out. "Do you need anything?" I asked. Santo nods and holds his hand out. "Phone?" I asked. He shook his head 'no'. I continued to guess but got it wrong. He pointed at me. "My hand." I asked. He moved over slowly and said, "I want you to lay with me." I smiled. "I can't, if I could, I would. I don't wanna mess anything up." I told him. He finally got moved over and patted beside him. "Getcha ass up here and lay with me." Santo whispered. I smiled at him before laying on the side with no cords. Santo moved slowly so that he was laying on me. I put my arms around him.

"My big baby." I said. Santo chuckles a little. I kissed his head and rubbed the top of his back. "Kids?" Santo asked. "What about them?" I asked, running my hands through his hair. "I wanna see them." Santo said, looking up at me. I smiled. "When? Now or later?" I asked him. "Later, I want to sleep." Santo told me. I smiled and went back to rubbing his back. "Go to sleep then. I'll have Lolo bring them in an hour or so." I told him.

Santo fell asleep quickly and I texted Lolo.

Yn- Hey, can you bring Prehia, Cj, Trey, Aaliyah, Altereak and Az up here?

Lo- Yeah, when

Yn- An hour maybe? Santo wants to see them

Lo- Okay. How is he?

Yn- He's alive

Lo- What's wrong?

Yn- He can't really move and he can't breath on his own and he has a few IV's in.

Lo- Oh, man. But, he's up and talking

Yn- He can barely talk because it messes with his breathing and he's resting right now. He just fell asleep.

Lo- Oh, let me go get these kids ready. Love ya. Oh, and Ray said to tell you everyone is still looking for your aunt. They haven't even came home. No one has left that house cause they all looking for her.

Yn- Tell them I appreciate it and how Santo is doing and tell them I said all of them better rest.

Lo- lol okay. Love ya

Yn- Love ya too.

I locked my phone and put it beside me. I ran my hands through Santo's hair, over and over again. For a full 24 hours, a full day, I thought I was never gonna see him again. I thought he was gone. I played with his curls until I fell asleep.

I woke up and looked around. My eyes landed on Santo who was still sleeping peacefully on me. I smiled and stretched before the doctor came in. "Ah, you're awake. Can you wake Mr. August, please?" He asked. I nod and shake Santo slightly. "Baby, get up." I said. Santo groaned and moved around a little. "No." He said, wrapping his arm around me. "The doctor needs to talk to you." I said. Santo sighed and woke up.

He flipped on his back and moved around a little, getting comfortable. I got off the bed and sat in the chair. "How are you feeling?" The doctor asked, taking Santo's breathing mask off. "Tired." Santo told him. The doctor chuckled. "That's normal for someone who has been shot. Are you having trouble breathing right now?" The doctor asked. Santo shrugged. "A little." He admitted. The doctor writes something down. "On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being easiest and 10 being hardest, how hard is it to breath?" The doctor asked. Santo thought for a minute. "6." He told him. The doctor nods. "That's okay though, you have to get through therapy also. I'm gonna get you a nose tube(A/N I think that it's what that thing is called. It is like a breathing mask but, it just goes through your nose.) You'll sleep with the mask but, just for today, I want you to try it like this." The doctor said. Santo nods slightly. Then the doctor walks out to get the stuff.

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