Chapter 26: Learning of Sargon

Start from the beginning

But he soon forgot about the play as they walked by the banks of the Nile. The waters were peaceful today. There seemed to be no crocodiles at all to Sabra's delight. She had always had a fear of those cold eyed reptiles.

"Is Sabra afraid of an oversized lizard?" Ahkmenrah teased as he saw the relief on her face.

"Everyone is afraid of at least two things Ahk."

"What else do you fear?"

"Pigeons. Their eyes are so blank."

At that Ahkmenrah burst out laughing.

"The 'fearless' Sabra is afraid of pigeons! So the next time we fight remind me to make pigeon noises!" then he started making cooing noises that were supposed to imitate that of a pigeon's. 

She gave him a sharp nudge in the ribs. "Idiot you're making a fool of yourself" she hissed. But he kept laughing like a madman. He calmed down then he said:

"The two things I fear the most is probably heart-break and isolation."

Sabra almost stopped in her tracks. Then she thought over what she had just happened. The Pharaoh of Egypt had just told her his biggest fears. He trusted her. He probably trusted her a lot. Almost as much as he trusted his brother. She didn't know how to respond to that. Ahkmenrah misinterpreted her silence.

"Sorry" he said.

"Why do you say sorry?"

"Your probably angry at me for teasing you. Also you must find it strange that I have shared my biggest fear."

"Not at all"

"Really?" he asked a small twinkle in his leaf green eyes.

"Absolutely positive"

He gave a small smile.

Then from the corner of her eyes Sabra saw him. His hair fell about his shoulders. He had short beard covering his handsome face, a scar at his right temple. With his black leather and iron armor he had the look of man from the Awan (A/N: Later known as Persian) Empire. His dark eyes sparkled as they met hers. Kain called her name.

"Sabra?!" he shouted. She smiled and waved at him to come over.  When he did, ignoring Ahkmenrah completely he embraced Sabra.

Ahkmenrah felt a pang of jealousy. He blamed it on his fear of isolation, for he felt very alone in that moment.

For a five minutes Sabra and Kain gushed over about how long they haven't seen each both knowing the most important questions would have to come later.

Finally Kain noticed Ahkmenrah.

"Found yourself a pretty boy Sabra?" he asked teasingly.

"Kain, this is..." then she looked at Ahkmenrah who gave her a look saying Don't tell him I'm king. Sabra had to think of a name quickly and the most stupidest name came to mind "...Kyky. And he's a friend."

"Kyky?" Kain smiled because Kyky meant baboon. "I think I prefer Pretty Boy"

By now our poor king was almost shaking with indignation, he turned a violent shade of red.

"I've never seen you in these parts before." Remarked Ahkmenrah trying to be nicer.

"I only arrived yesterday from Awan. I came here on important top secret business and to visit some one special."

This someone special was probably Sabra. Thought Ahkmenrah bitterly.

"It's an hour past noon Sabra we need to go back" said Ahkmenrah. Turning his heel indignantly he walked away.

"I think I just insulted him" said Kain quietly.

"I think so too" said Sabra.

"Tell him I'm sorry. I didn't mean it."

"I will. Come over tonight. I live with my aunt, the first house next to the barley fields"

"I'll see if I can. It's been a long time Sabra."

"I know. See you tonight?"

"See you then."


Ahkmenrah was soon surrounded by officials. They gave reports on the state of the land and crops. In all honesty Ahkmenrah wasn't listening to any of it. He was half asleep.

The low drones of Khufu was interrupted by one of the guards.

"Your Majesty. A man from Awan is here to see you." 

Ahkmenrah motioned for the officials to get out. He had formed a hatred for them. They ruined everything. In bitter disappointment the officials left. Leaving Sabra and Ahkmenrah.

The man from Awan came in. He smiled.

"Pretty Boy? Sabra? You lied to me?" Kain asked through his grin.

Sabra shrugged.

"Orders of the Pharaoh" she stated simply.

"Fair enough." then he looked up at Ahkmenrah "I guess I can't call you Pretty Boy, Your Majesty Ahkmenrah?"

Despite himself Ahkmenrah smiled. "Call me whatever you will Kain. As long as it is not Your Majesty, Pharaoh, or..." he gave Sabra a sharp look "...Kyky"

Sabra shrugged her shoulders. "I had to think of something. It was the first thing that came to mind."

"Why are you here Kain?" asked Ahkmenrah. "It's surely not to dispute over my name."

"You are right. I come from the Imperial court of Awan. We have received news that our ally the Sumerian General by the name of Sargon plans to attack Egypt. He is rumored to have reached the deserts just outside Ineb-Hedg."

"What do you expect me to do?" Asked the young king. Kain sighed.

"The decision is ultimately yours. But Awan would just like to let you know that if you do plan in a war we are ready to send troops."

"Awan is playing a dangerous game." remarked Ahkmenrah.

"We know that."

Ahkmenrah though for a while. "Tell me about this Sargon."


How was it? What do you guys think of Kain? What do think is going to happen next?

Can't wait to update the next chapter. Too bad I have to study for yearly exams.

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