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what i wrote in the previous chapter was mainly based off of books and online articles. i tried not to use personal opinions as sources because it was a graded + formal essay for school that i wanted to share. if you want to hear my real, brutally honest voice, here we go!

the general reasons about why i'm not pro-life:

---i don't understand why a fetus would have more rights than the human being carrying it. the pain and shock a woman feels when she conceives is not comprehensive for those who aren't going through the same thing. for men who are against abortions but don't want the child, you are a part of the consequence (the pregnancy) and shoulda thought before you acted! for men who are against abortions but want the child, a woman shouldn't be forced to give birth! she's having the baby, not you! HER BODY, HER CHOICE.

---sorry not sorry, but for those of you who say we're responsible for "the lives of innocent children", are you really willing to help them? adoption isn't an easy and quick process! a child needs to live with a stable + loving family, not in some foster home! why would you allow a child to come into this world feeling hungry, worthless, etc. do you actually believe we can provide food, education, and health care for every single unwanted child in this world? there are millions of children who don't have the right resources to live a happy and healthy life. although there are cases where an adopted child is taken care of by a good family, they are probably 1/5 unwanted children who have that advantage (not an accurate statistic)! "ADOPTION PREVENTS UNWANTED PARENTHOOD, NOT UNWANTED PREGNANCY".

---similar to the last reason, but why breed a child you cannot afford? i think Planned Parenthood is great for helping desperate females in need of abortions, providing contraception & safety scans, and teaching about sex education in order to prevent the pregnancy from occurring before abortion becomes an option! it's sad how these white Republican men in the House GOP are trying to condemn women's reproductive rights.. why should politics or the opinions of ignorant men control our health? it's too bad that women have been put down by silly laws since the 20th century regarding a biological process.

---abortion just shouldn't be completely banned.. there are drastic situations where an abortion is truly necessary! for those of you who say it's the woman's fault for "spreading her legs open", the man equally caused the pregnancy by "pulling out his dick". like i said in the essay before this informal rant, sexual assault happens, so becoming pregnant doesn't always happen willingly! btw for those of you who disagree with getting abortions a couple weeks before the birth, i agree with you! my biggest concern is because the later a woman gets an abortion during her pregnancy, the more likely she will develop major health issues.

well, i guess that's it. once again, i didn't mean to offend anybody, whether you're pro-choice or pro-life! i also apologize if my grammar or sentence structure made you cringe-- it bothered me just as much as it bothered you! whatever side you're on in this controversy, i respect your opinions. i would never want to start up negativity or send out hatred. hopefully, violence will not become a part of the abortion debate that continues today. thank you for reading. :)

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