Chapter 7~Stronger Than You

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"Finally." Mike sighed as I walked out of the newly cleaned room I had been assigned "C'mon, we're late."


"Everyone's back from special training. Its time you get introduced."

it had been four days since I had been here. For the first two Levi seemed to be everywhere I went. Watching me like I was going to pull something. Hadn't they realized I had given up? Since yesterday however mike was the one who met me at my door in the morning rather than Levi. Unlike the short man, he wasn't so keen on watching me 24/7. I guess Erwin must have thought I would do something, considering he sent humanity's strongest, and second strongest to be my 'babysitter'. Just one more reason to not like Erwin Smith. It wasn't that I exactly had a problem with mike, he didn't talk. A trait I found especially appealing. He did have a strange habit of smelling me. Which was beyond creepy.

From far away I could hear Erwin's yelling. As I got closer I noticed he was standing in front of a large group of people. His arms where crossed behind his back and he paced in front of the group. His mouth open as he spat out word after word. The gash on his cheek had receded into a large pinkish red line, the eye I had punched seem to have healed as well.

I averted my gaze from the bushy eye browed commander to the group. My eyes scanned the faces of men and women alike, lined up in perfect rows facing the same direction, the same blank look on their very different faces. All of these, soldiers bore the same insignia on their tan jackets. The wings of freedom. They were all the new people I would spend the rest of my life with. The same people I would eat with every day, the same people I would sleep in the same building with. The same people I would fight alongside. And I hated even single one of them. The only one missing was also the only one I had anything in common with, and he had bore the same impression I had now. Three years ago. When the exact f@cking thing happened.

I hadn't seen him since the day before last. Not even at meals, or training. I hadn't seen much of anyone actually, not until today.

I looked back to Erwin, he had stopped his babbling and now watched me. As if his divided gazing eyes had been a silent signal, they all watched me too. I swallowed hard, attempting to suppress the anxiety the staring eyes brought.

After a long pause he cleared his throat to speak "From today on this girl will be fighting alongside you. Introduce yourself!"

My lips pulled into a dissatisfied grimace, and I crossed my arms adding more to the defiance in my stance, I shifted all the weight to my less injured right leg. I looked up at the sky, away from Erwin and the group of soldiers.

"my name is Sixx."

The odd mixture of noises coming from the crowd that was a mixture of curiosity and surprise was wiped away by a dissatisfied grunt from Erwin.

He turned from me to a tall red headed girl, or maybe even boy, with glasses who looked way to excited to be there. Next to them however was a face I recognized from my capture, Moblit.

"She will be assigned to your squad Hanji."

The red head, Hanji, made some inhuman noise and ran/walked towards me. I jumped back away from the insane squad leader, narrowly escaping Hanji's grasp.

"Squad leader!" Moblit yelled attempting to restrain my crazy assailant.

Erwin dismissed the soldiers, and everyone took off in different directions, most of them whispering to each other about me. As if I couldn't hear them.

"C'mon six!" Hanji yelled excitedly "let's go see what you're made off!!"

again I grimaced but obediently followed the spunky leader.

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