The beginning of the end

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Two years after the war prince Baldor finally learned Of her name. He also found out that she is the eldest child of the Jameson's family. Normally prince Baldor would be upset and call them to war once again after finding that All out. Instead all he does is fall even more in love with her day by day finally he couldn't take it anymore he had to have her as his own.

His father knew of his plans and sent him on his way wishing him the best.Prince Baldor was on his way to the Jameson's country to speak to Princess Jades father. As he arrived the kings most trusted warrior met him and led him to the throne room to speak to the king himself. When he arrived into the throne room prince Baldor bowed to the king and begin to speak:

"King Cole I have come to speak with you about your daughter. I have known her for years now and even knowing where she is from my feelings have not changed I am here to ask of you for your daughters hand. Not only will your daughter be able to rule but also we would be able to combine our countries and stop all these wars between us we could gain land,men, money, and women. No one would dare to challenge us we would be the strongest and most powerful. I would protect your daughter with my life. I would never let anything harm her." The king looked at him with no emotion showing on his face.

Prince Baldor was standing there watching and waiting for him to respond. After a little while longer the king finally spoke:

" Very well if its my daughters hand you seek then you may have it, but first you must prove yourself not only to me but my daughter and my country that you are worthy of her hand. Three deadly man eating beasts live in my kingdom. Many have tried but failed to return. If you can defeat all three and return then you may do as you wish. To prove your success you must bring back a goblins claw, the ogres tooth, and the cyclopes' eye. You have to complete this task on your own with no help from your men." With that being said the king stood bowed and left leaving Prince Baldor to his thoughts.

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