Baldor's story

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A/N: picture above is princess jade

Once upon a time long ago in a faraway land, There was two teenagers of two different religions whose families NEVER got along for several centuries.

The Williams family is known for their Bravery and their strength. Their eldest son Prince Baldor was known as the strongest of All.

On a cool summer evening the William's Had declared war on the Jameson's. Prince Baldor Was the one who led the Dates into Battle. Man after man collapsed onto the Cold hard ground. Baldor was fighting Wales after Wales paying No mind to the dark crimson Colored blood that covers his body. Baldor raised His large sword , once again to finish off The last wales standing, he stopped mid-swing when his eyes fell upon a beautiful girl who stole his breath away at first sight, being surrounded by his men.

Baldor lowered his sword and made his way towards his men.Once he approached he could not believe his eyes, the woman that stands before him is like no other woman he has ever laid his eyes on before.Noticing the girl looking at him shocked and terrified he decided to speak up:

"What might you be doing out

Here in the middle of the war, if it

Was not for me my men would've had your head. Forgive me my fair maiden For I am prince Baldor of the dates, surely someone with such sophisticated clothing must be someone from a high social class. care to tell me madam what your name may be?" He then grabs her hand and bows placing the most gentle of kisses to the back of her hand showing respect awaiting her reply.

She stood there looking at him trying to gather her thoughts before speaking just like her father has taught her to do. For he was a prince but not just any prince he was the son of her father's enemy.She had to be careful what she told him, for not only her life but her father's life depended on her at this moment. Finally, she looked up at him her voice strong and fearless as she speaks.

"My name young prince is not of importance when the time shall come you will learn my name until then I shall just be a mystery to you. As for why I am here,I was told there was a war and I had to get to safety. As I was on my way to my safe home, my carriage was attacked by your men,my horses were killed along with the man who was controlling them. I tried to get away when one of your men grabbed me, and brought me here saying that you would know what to do with me. So, with that sweet prince I ask what do you wish to do with me?"

To say that Prince Baldor was shocked at her words would be an under statement. As he was about to speak again he realized that night was upon them. He knew of the dangers that await them in the darkness of the night as if knowing what he was thinking his men released the woman whose eyes shine as bright as a thousands stars and made their way back home leaving her behind.

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