Chapter 2 "Aoba Seregaki and Noiz"

Start from the beginning

Noiz: What?.. *lays you down on the couch*

You: Don't what me! What do you think you're doing!? *you sit up*

Noiz: It was just a kiss... See.... *kisses you softly on the lips*

You remained still as it took you three seconds to realize he was kissing you on the lips. Your face grows from a light shade of pink to a dark shade of red as you pull away seconds later. Shocked about what just happened.


Noiz: What?...

You: Asshole! You stole my first kiss! Who kisses a stranger!?!

Noiz: It was just a kiss...

You: Strangers don't kiss strangers!!!

Noiz: Tell me your name then...

You: What for!? That doesn't change the fact that we are strangers! There's this new thing called CONSENT!!

Noiz: I'm Noiz... Now tell me your name...

You: I know you're Noiz! Why is my name important?

Noiz: Aoba what's her name?

Aoba: (y/n) (l/n) well that's what she told me.

Noiz: Soka....

You: Soka my ass!

Noiz without saying another word takes out his holographic computer and begins typing at rapid speed. He basically typed your name and tried to find any information about you. Your eyes widened at such advance technology.

Aoba: Well?

Noiz: There are no records of her... It's as if... She doesn't exist...

You: Woah... High tech.

Aoba: Is that your real name?

You: No shit Sherlock! Do I need to show you my ID?

Noiz: Yes...

You: *sighs* Hold on *you reach into your pocket* I think... Yus! I have my wallet. *you pull out your wallet* See! That's me!

Noiz: It could be fake....

You: -_- Do I need to show my school work?

Aoba: That could help.

Noiz: hm... You're from the U.S..

You: Yeah, so?

Noiz: What are you doing in Japan?...

You: I'M IN JAPAN!?!?! WHAT!?!

Aoba: Wait, you didn't know you were in Japan?

You: No!

Noiz: This is weird...

Aoba: How did you get here?

You: I was walking through an alley on my street and apparently I ended up in a different alley getting jumped by stupid motherfuckers.

Noiz: Sounds like Morphine is involved.... They must have brought you here.

You: Morphine?

Aoba: She doesn't know about Morphine. She doesn't even know she has an allmate.

Noiz: How bad was she injured?

You: Oi! I'm right here! I can hear you both!

Aoba: (y/n) we are going to ask you questions and please answer them fully and honestly.

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