Chapter 2: Welcome Rookie

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Chapter 2: Welcome Rookie

Sweaty palms took the pair of wire framed shades and put them on. He was trembling as his vision finally returned back to normal. "W-who are you people? W-where am I?!" He began to hyperventilate, staring at the well dressed men surrounding him. "Calm down Rookie... You're in the drop off office" Ronald explained simply. Of course this was no help at all. As white as a sheet, the poor boy trembled harder. "A-am I dead or not?!" 

"Weeeeeell...Yes and no" Ron continued to explain poorly. Alan, looking like a ghost grabbed his head, yanking on his hair in confusion, his eyes glossing over. Grell sighed from across the room, "Don't be so over dramatic... You died and now you're here." Recalling what William said about this not being heaven, Alan felt faint. "S-so I'm in hell....?" Stray tears leaked from his eyes. "No, you're not in hell..." William corrected him once again. Alan's mind was all over the place, he felt like he'd have a panic attack. Eric sighed at his desk and stood up. "Guys the kids been through a lot, the least you can do is help him out..." He walked over to the shaky boy and knelled by his side. "You killed yourself Alan, and as punishment you will be given a second life as a Grim Reaper. Us four have been through the same thing, so you're in good hands. I'm Eric." He put his hand out to shake and for a split second, Alan felt something he hadn't felt in years. Happiness. 

He weakly shook Eric's hand, the blond smiled brightly in an attempt to comfort him. Helping the fragile boy up, Alan slowly began to calm. "So I've been given another life? Like I was reborn as a reaper?" William returned to his desk, looking over Alan's paper work. "Not exactly, you see. You still have the same body you had when you were human, however you have new eyes. They will allow you to find your targets far easier and enable you to see any ones cinematic records. Slingby here shall be giving you a crash course in cinematics later. As of now, you shall be taught reaping laws 101." Cinematic records? New eyes? Reaping? Targets? Alan's mind was spinning. Once again he felt faint, Eric grunted and crossed his arms. "William take it slowly for the kid, he looks young."

"I'm only 22...." Alan spoke up. 

"Darling I've been around since 1789... You're a baby" Grell didn't seem all to interested in this one, normally he'd be all over a newbie, but something was off with this one. He couldn't quite put his finger on it. Alan's eyes were wide, his jaw to the floor. He looked around the room at the other reapers. All of them had been around for years. Their punishment would last forever and there was nothing they could do about it. "Either way!" Eric continued. "I'm his teacher and I plan how I'll teach him" 

"So be it" he replied coldly, sending Grell's heart into a frenzy of lust. "Oh my sweet William, always so cruel..." He sighed dreamily, only to receive the death glare of the century. Alan was beyond confused, he remained close to Eric, for he seemed to be the only sane one. As he slowly backed away from Grell's desk, he bumped into Eric. "I-I'm so sorry!" Brushing it off as nothing, Eric kept smiling. "It's fine really" Eric nudged Alan's shoulder, signalling him to follow. So he did.  He led Alan back up the dark marble stair case, leaving the others to exchange their glares and lustful gazes. 

"Em Mr Slingby?" Alan asked, as the reached the top, entering the ally once more. "Ya can just call me Eric ya' know. Yeah?" 

"Where are we going?" As they walked out to street, Alan looked around in awe, admiring the stars. It had never looked so amazing. The sky wasn't clouded over and grey like normal British weather, but a marvellous dark sapphire. The star's glimmered like jewels and the crescent moon like a bright Chershire cat smile. Gazing behind him, Eric smiled. "Sure this is meant to be a punishment, but you've gotta love the perks." He sighed blissfully, cold air filling his lungs. They followed the pavement until Eric came to a halt. "Now William and the others like taking the back root, but there's no way I'm leaving my baby out here all night! And besides!" Eric flung open the door of the jet black BMW for his new co worker. "Walking with those three to HQ is just painful!" Managing a  tiny grin, he thanked Eric before climbing in. Eric walked around the car and climbed into the drivers seat. Pulling his belt over his chest, he started the car. "Belt up. I like to go fast." He put his belt on without hesitation. As soon as Eric heard the click of the metal, he slammed his foot on the peddle and moved the gears to drive, launching out of the parking spot and zooming down the street.  

Sure this new world was beautiful, but it was terrifying at the, (without a doubt) illegal speed Eric was driving at. Gripping the seat for dear life, Alan weakly glanced over at his driver, a huge grin spread cross his face. "You're the first person who hasn't screamed! Let's kick it up a notch!" The whole time, Eric hadn't even used the accelerator and as soon as he did, Alan shrieked, making the blonde snicker. Suddenly the centre front mirror was surrounded with light, Alan couldn't see a thing. "WE'RE GOING TO CRASH!" He wailed, squeezes his eyes shut tightly. Eric slammed down on the breaks, the car swerved and the wheels screeched, all of that tuned out by Alan's cries. Rolling his eyes, the skidding car fell perfectly into a labelled parking space, entitled 'Slingby'. 

Alan didn't dare open his eyes, clawing at the seat. "A-a-am I dead again?" Eric ruffled his brown hair, forcing Alan to look up. "You seem pretty alive to me!" The brunette felt the heat rise to his cheeks and quickly hopped out the car. Eric, not noticing the blush, climbed out and locked the BMW up. Swinging the keys around his finger, he looked over at Alan, who was in awe of the giant building in front of him. Thick white, marble bricks made up a gorgeous building. Over eight floors, millions of double glazed windows and chiselled brick work. "I hope you like it. You'll be spending almost every hour of the rest of your life here." Alan's face brightened and when he checked to see if Eric had the same enthusiasm as him, it dropped. Eric wasn't all wide eyed and bushy tailed like Alan, if anything, he was emotionless. Pale. Maybe even mad. A small shiver ran up Alan's spine. How could a guy go from charmingly care and sweet one minute, to almost paralysing the next?

There was a long silence between the two of them for a while. In an attempt to break the ice, Alan spoke up. "Y-you like working here?" he questioned. Eric let out a long sigh. "Would you like having to take the lives of the innocent...?" Alan was speechless. A reaper? That hates reaping?! It didn't seem logical. He was pulled from his thoughts when Eric spoke again. "That being said. I do like sending the evil people to hell. Almost makes up for it!"

Alan was so confused. Yet at the same time... He understood completely.  

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2015 ⏰

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