- Over it -

511 9 8

Noah sighed, and put his book down. In most noisy places, he could read, but this was Izzy's limo, and it was the noise level of New York City on New Year's! Noah covered his ears, and smiled. Honestly, it made him happy just to be sitting in the front with the driver. He still kept the little window open, just so he could check in on them every once in awhile. He smiled. This was the most fun he had had in awhile, and that was saying something, seeing as he wasn't even in the back with them. The limo was cutting through traffic, just as he had predicted. Honestly, that was originally  the only reason he had agreed, and the fact that Owen had begged him.

Owen and Izzy were eating... Noah looked back, to check, only to see that they were eating pizza.

"Weren't you eating ice cream a minute ago?" Noah asked, raising an eyebrow. 

Owen frowned, and looked around. "Izzy, where did that bucket go?"

Izzy looked up from her pizza slice, and frowned. "I dunno!" She said, and contenued chowing down.

Noah shrugged, and turned toward the front.

Emma checked her phone, and cursed. "At this pace, we'll still won't be there for at least 20 more minutes!"

Kitty looked at Emma strangley. Emma wasn't the kind of person to shop, especially after the shopping accident of 2004. Back then, Emma was like Kitty, as we all know. But one thing that never changed over time was Emma's love for shopping, until the time she got lost in Toronto's biggest mall.

Most children hated going in malls. If the average parent was able to drag their child into a mall, they would then have to deal with the whining, crying, pouting, and shouting that came along with bringing the average child to a mall. Parent with children, especially boys, under age 11, usually walk out of malls with sleeping children, or if they're old enough, still whining children, and no clothes.

Then again, Emma was no normal child.

Emma had loved walking around in malls, ever since her father had landed a job as a mall cop. Every Saturday, her father would take her to work with him. When she was younger, she was forced to sit in his office, and watch Total Drama. When she eventually got into her teen years, she was free to walk around the Mall with her friends, and sometimes buy clothes with core money.

About a month before Emma left for college, her dad had a day off, so the two had gone to the mall, to shop for college supplies. The two had come across a middle aged guy, who wanted directions to the bathroom. Emma's father had smiled, and replied, "Left turn, Right turn, and look for the big red sign." The man replied that he was blind, and his dog had left him alone. Her father had nodded, and the two walked off to the bathroom, leaving Emma behind, to check out her supplies. When she had rounded the corner to meet her dad, she came upon the middle aged guy, running toward the exit, covered in blood.

The man had murdured her father.

Their father.

  When the time came for Emma to leave for college, she still was wearing black, and wouldn't talk a lot. She had never gone in a mall since. Maybe a store or two, but never a mall. By the time Emma had finished her first year in college, she was over his death, but the scars had never left.

"Hey Emma, arn't you a bit nervous about going to the mall?" Kitty asked her sister, worried.

Emma laughed.

"No-" she was interrupted by Noah shouldn't at the two, waving his hands in the air.

Guess she wasn't.

(Okay, so I did a bit more of Emma's backstory, so yeah! Hopefully they'll go in the mall in the next chapter!)

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