#3 Edward Nygma

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I just walked into the GCPD for my first day and I'm nervous to say the least. There was a bunch of circus people around here I wonder what's going on. I'm the assistant medical examiner with Dr. Leslie Tomkins and Edward Nygma. I'm also excited to start working because then I can finally afford my apartment.

"You must be Caroline I'm Dr. Leslie Tomkins." She said

"Yes that is correct it's nice to meet got Dr. Tomkins." I said

"Come this way it's good thing that we have a case to work on." She said and I followed her to the morgue.

"Who's the victim?" I asked

"Ms. Lila Valeska." She said

"Wow she definitely suffered from her attacker." I said

"I know. Ok let's get started." She said and I nodded.

"Oh Ed finally your here. This is Caroline our new assistant medical examiner." She said

"It's nice to meet you Ed." I said

"Nice to meet you too Caroline." He said and I smiled.

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