"I know you want to." He gets really close to me, it seems impossible since he is already pressed up against me.

"Please leave me alone." I beg and start to set my self free from his grasp.

"Are. You . A . Virgin?" He takes a break in between their for words.

"Y-yes now please let go of me." I start to shift around.

"Not yet Brooklyn Baby. Don't you want to know why I ruined your Algebra textbook?"

"No I don't." I start getting irritated and I kick his knee, he lets go off me to support his injured spot.

"You bitch." He winces.

I jut start running, once again to the direction of the bathroom.
I start to cry, I'm not crystal my because of Carl or the bleach blonde. I'm crying because I'm here. I thought this would be a great start for me and my mother. She was wrong.

I look at myself in the mirror. My bloodshot eyes are very noticeable. I can't go out like this.

Breath Brooklyn. Everything will turn out good. I hope

I take a moment to hear my heart beat slowing down from its accelerated pace. This moment might of just saved me from a panic attack.

I'm okay. Thankfully.

But soon the forecast decided to be completely modified and covered my sunny parade with darkness and horrible words.

"Sweetie, you're a damn mess." The blonde comes forward.

"Leave me the fuck alone, what he hell did I even do it you?" I back away from her.
Her hand meets my cheek as she slaps it, second time today?
"Carl is mine don't forget that." She walks away swaying her hips as she exits.

Can this day get any worse.

I skip second period, I locked myself inside a stall and waited. I cried for twenty minutes before my eyes dried up.

It's lunch time now, my stomach I grumbling. The animal inside me is trying to claw its way out to eat.
Hunger is a bitch.

I sigh and heck my pockets for money, 5 dollars.

I saw a couple of vending machines in the cafeteria.

In and out... Quickly.


I deposit my money and plug in the numbers to the un opened bag of sour patch kids, skittles and a Diet cherry Coke. I pick up those items and move my way out of the giant body of students.
The library sign is to the right of me.

I'll just read until lunch is over.
The silence is pleasing, no one is here. I sit down in a table and start chewing on the sour patch kids. I have a sweet tooth for candy, I can eat anything else but peanuts, I'm severely allergic.

I pick up a book called The 5th Wave. Along a few pages I get into the plot line. Cassie is the main character, she is a complex character with a high level of confidence. I wish I was her. To be able to stand up to the Carl and the blonde. To be out going instead of hiding near the corner.

"Brooklyn is it?" Someone taps my shoulder, I jump at their touch.

It was a female voice, at first I thought it was the blonde but the unmanned voice had a strong raspiness to it. I turn around to see the face.

The red head. I swiftly grab my stuff and shit the book and start leaving.

"Hey hey look I'm not going to hurt you, my name is Debbie." She extends her arm to shake mine, I don't shake it.

"What do you want?" I ask emotionless.

"I wanted to say sorry, I didn't know Holly would slap you. I water to ask if we could be friends?" Debbie does look really sorry, even her pronunciation gave the same sad expressions her face. She felt guilty, I have to forgive her.

"It's fine." I lightly smile.
Debbie's face lights up like a Christmas tree.

"Wow great, I was meaning to ask you were you got that flannel because I absolutely love it!"

"Thank you I got it at this retail store named Boohoo my mum used to work there." Debbie's attention never left me, she was really interested in what I had to say.

She skipped third block to hang out in the library I with me. She seems really nice. Unfortunately the bell rang initiating the fourth period. We waved are goodbyes and left to meet our last block teacher.

I check my schedule to notice that I have gym. Thai is the last period of the day, lucky for me.

I enter the gymnasium, I look around and I. See the girls going to the locker room. My sight directs me to the coach.

"Excuse me, I'm Brooklyn Harrison. I don't have a uniform do I just- she cuts me off by handing me a grey colored uniform.

I let another. Sigh slip out of my mouth as I walk to the locker room.

I quickly get dressed and head outside.

I see the devil himself with his girlfriend. Making out, once again.

Luckily the teacher splits them up. I sit on the bleachers waiting for instructions.

"Okay class today we are doing volley ball. We are having groups. First group is Alex, James, Hayden, Karla, Jada and Liam. Next group is Jeffrey, Kendall Alice, Margo-" she goes on and on naming the kids.
My name was not called, neither is Holly's nor Carl's.

"Finally, Holly, Taylor, Cameron,Carl and Brooklyn."

"Fuck." I mutter as I walk to my group.
Carl smirks at me info again and I ignore him. Holly catches him staring at me and immediately gives me a dirty look.
I just keep my head low.

First serve. We are going against a pretty good team.

Holly sets the ball up and a boy named Cameron forearm passes it. The other team failed to react on time.Earning our team a point.
The same serve again and we earn a point.

Soon it was the opposing team's turn and they served it in my direction.

I quickly set it up and I change the abundant moves of my team and I decide to spike it.

I have had background in the spirit so I figured why not.

I hit it hard enough to bring us the point.

One after another I started to get more invoiced I this game.

Soon after class ended I had the ownership of 97% total points.

Schools ends and I wait for my mom's car to pick me up.

I see Carl and Holly get in a bus, thank god.

30 minutes pass and I figure that my mom isn't coming.

I start to walk to my house.

Afflicted One -> Carl GallagherWhere stories live. Discover now