"Doors can be opened from both sides," I jumped in.

"Not yet," Selvig grumbled as he struggled to control the readings that went berserk on his computer.

After saying that, the Tesseract suddenly made a lot of noise and the building shook as if caught in a massive earthquake. The cube began glowing and gave off bits of energy, which started to swirl until a beam shot right out of it. The energy spread out like a wave and knocked things over. I adverted my eyes away from the Tesseract as that happened.

When it was all clear, a man was kneeling on the platform. I noticed that he wore some type of black armor with hints of green and gold, which made me think of something from a medieval fair, or Comic-Con. I guessed that he had to be Loki, Thor's brother. During the events last year, I did a little research on Norse mythology even though I had already learned about it back in my school years.
I also noticed Loki had raven black hair that went down to the shoulders, ending with perfect curls, and piercing green/blue eyes that could peer right into a person's soul though they looked bluer in an eerie way. And, he also held, what I thought was a spear, but was a scepter, that looked sinister. I bit down on my bottom lip as several armed men proceeded on Loki and noticed a wicked grin on his face.

"Sir, please put down the spear," Fury called.

Loki then looked towards Fury and at his scepter. Before any of us can blink, he fired a blue beam of energy at Fury. Clint leaped, pushing the Director to the ground. I dodged to the side and pulled out my firearm from its holster just in case. The energy hit one of the scientists nearby. The armed men opened fire on Loki, who then lunged off the platform and killed them all with his scepter and throwing knives. I gulped fearfully as that took place and when he shot another beam at the female scientist, killing her. Clint and some other agents fired their guns at Loki. I noticed that Clint's bullet struck the trickster in the forehead, which left a clean cut on his pale skin, but in seconds, I stared wide-eyed as it healed rapidly.

After that happened, Loki shot another beam at Fury and Clint in rage, but the two guys rolled out of the way. He then turned around and kicked an agent nearby in the gut, which sent him slamming against the wall, and dropped to the ground dead as a doornail when his spine snapped. I shuddered at the sound of it.
Clint got right back on his feet, only to see Loki standing right next to him. Just as he was about to lift his gun, the trickster grabbed his wrist and twisted it.

"You have heart," he said. He had an accent that sounded like it was British.

Suddenly, he pressed the tip of the scepter on Clint's chest, which sent blue streams into him and up his neck. His eyes turned black for a second before switching to an electric glowing blue, like the Tesseract, and then placed his gun back in the holster.

"Clint!" I gasped in shock at what just happened.

I glanced at Fury as he grabbed the Tesseract and placed it in a metal briefcase.

My boss gave me a look signaling me to stand by and be ready to take off running with the case. I nodded at him as I saw Loki place the tip of the scepter on the chest of another agent rendering the latter in his submission.

"Please don't," Loki said turning to Fury who was about to walk out of the lab with the Tesseract. "I still need that."

Fury kept his back to him as he spoke. "This doesn't have to get any messier."

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