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It was a stormy day at the cliff

When he came to me and said: "My dad... he..."

"Just say it, Apollo"

"He's not happy with... us"

"But he doesn't matter, right? I mean,

You're not gonna leave him break this."

"Listen. I love you, Neptune,

More than I love myself.

And that's why I have to do this."

"Apollo, don't..."

"You have no idea how is he"

"He's gonna have to deal with it", I said,

and we heard a lightning in the distance.

He shook his head, looked at me one last time

And I saw his eyes get filled with tears when he said

"I have to go, Neptune"

And he just left.

And all those "Apollo!" and "I love you!"

Weren't enough to make him stop.

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