"Emily, what you saw..." I said and went quiet. "Don't tell mommy and daddy, okay?"

She grinned. "I shouldn't tell them that I saw you kissing your friend, who is a boy?"

The way she said it told me if I ever came out she would see me as weird. For her romantic relationships were between males and females, that was what she was taught.

"Yes", I said.

"Okay", she said simply. I loved Emily, she wasn't versed in extortion.

"You pinky promise?" I said holding out my pinky.

"I pinky promise", she said entwining her pinky with mine.

That was so easy!

"Let's get you that glass of milk", I said trying to stand up.

She pushed me back down. "Ryan, what happened to Elaine?"

I raised a brow. "Who's Elaine?"

"...The girl you told me you liked; the one who was on a date with her boyfriend", she replied.

Damn, the girl had a good memory!

I didn't miss the look Rain gave me. He too wanted to know what had happened to the girl. How the hell do I answer this?

"Uh...I don't like her anymore", I said.

"Why?" Emily was curious.

"Uh...because...because I just don't", I said.

"Do you like Rain?"

I looked at Rain. He wasn't saying anything. You could tell he was interested in the answer or how I was going to get out of answering. I needed to get out of the interrogation.

"Come on, let's get you that milk", I said.

Emily finally stood up.

"Go on to the kitchen, I'll be with you now", I said.

"Want to stay and kiss Rain?" she asked making a smooching face.

"Go on", I waved her away.

She walked to the kitchen.

I looked at Rain. He was waiting in anticipation for an explanation. He didn't even have to say anything. His face shouted, "Explain".

"First thing, that girl really needs squeaky shoes. Second, there is no girl I like. There's no Elaine. I told Emily about you that time you went on dates with Sebastian. I couldn't say it was a guy so when she asked for a name, the name Elaine popped up. It kinda rhymes", I said.

He smirked. "You told Emily about me?"

"Yeah. She happens to be a good listener", I said.

He gave me a million dollar smile. "That happened when I was going on dates with Sebastian?"

I chuckled. I didn't want to tell him I'd been thinking about him for so long.

"Ryan!" Emily called me.

I stood up. "I'll be back".

"Be quick. I'll be missing you", he said.

I went to the kitchen. I warmed up some milk for Emily and she went to bed. When I came back to the living area, Rain was on the phone. He looked up when I came in, almost nervously.

His expression was disturbing. It made me eavesdrop on the conversation.

"Uh, yeah".

"It was. Me too. Uh, I have to go".


He removed his phone from his ear and looked at me sheepishly, as if I had any idea who had been at the other end of the line. I wasn't going to ask him, but he received a text a second later and frowned.

"Who was it?" I asked casually. I wasn't nosy, but his expression was worrying.

"Um... Sebastian", he replied after a pause.

I was surprised and a little irritated that Sebastian was calling him. Thoughts of him betraying me just surfaced. I scratched my head. "What did he want?"

"He was just saying hi. He wants to hang out", he said coming to sit next to me.

"And what did you say?"

He exhaled loudly. "I told him it's fine".

"Don't you think you are leading him on?" I asked, and though I hadn't intended it, it sounded like an accusation.

He shrugged. "He knows nothing is going to happen".

"And you think that's going to stop him from making a move on you?" I asked firmly. I was getting possessive.

You would think I would learn, but I was repeating the same mistakes. I had a jealousy streak that came out many times in my past relationship. When I fell for a person, I became a bit possessive. Was I falling in love with Rain?

"He knows I can't be with him!" he protested.

"You are available. You seem available. He's going to keep trying. I'm interested in knowing what you said when he asked you to be his boyfriend", I said.

"I told him there was no connection between us, and there isn't. But he's a nice guy..." he said.

"A nice guy who wants you!" I interrupted.

"Are you going to get this uptight every time a guy wants me?" he asked.

I stayed quiet. I could see his point. I berated myself for getting so worked up. I was letting past experiences ruin something that was totally different. Being cheated on many times would make anyone overly-cautious.

My past real relationship had been hell on earth. It had started nicely like all new relationships. She was lovely and I loved and paid her attention. I thought it was enough, but it clearly wasn't when she cheated on me with 2 different guys. I forgave her, but became increasingly possessive. We fought a lot afterwards. It was toxic and the second part was partly my fault. I couldn't trust her.

"Ryan, I'm with you. Sebastian might try something, but I'm not going to let him", he said.

I grabbed his hand in mine. "I'm sorry. I know this- us being a secret- is not ideal and I'm just afraid you'll suddenly think you can't handle it".

He seemed to be thinking. A look I didn't like crossed his face and disappeared after seconds.

He shook his head. "You don't have to worry about that".

"Come here", I said.

I gave him a brief kiss. He had to go soon after that or I was assured his dad would call the FBI to report him missing. Everyone in his family seemed to be overprotective.    

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