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Ryan's POV

Rainier. That was the only thing going around in my mind. His smile, his determination. Could I possibly be having a crush on him? He wasn't my type. I didn't need to know him to know he was soft. He may not have been innocent, but he sure as hell hadn't been in many battles. His eyes told me that.

My infatuation with him was funny. It had to be that, infatuation. It couldn't be anything else. He was a handsome boy and I reacted to that, nothing else. No matter how much I tried convincing myself that, I couldn't get him out of my head. He was the only person I had thought about so much in the past years. No, he wasn't. There were 3 people I still thought about to that day. I thought of them for different reasons.

I had another class with him, but we didn't talk. Instead, I focused on the upcoming party with Rosaline. I didn't know the kind of parties the popular guys threw, but Rosaline told me it was going to be fun.

That day I didn't have to go to work as it was a Friday. I was glad. I didn't like working at the store as I initially thought I would. I was the boss's nephew and the guys rendered me an enemy. I wasn't going to try and convince them to like me. I was already trying to convince someone else.

My aunt didn't like me, she tolerated me. I had heard her once telling my uncle that she was glad her kids were young. If they were adolescents I would have corrupted them. I was of course not happy with what she said, but I hadn't talked to her about it. What do I say when I know she is right?

After school I hung out with my new 'friends'. I didn't really consider them friends. They were just people I hung out with. They weren't bad people; they were just spoilt and arrogant. We went to a smoothies bar they were regulars at. Most of the school hung out there.

"It is going to be an epic party!" Mark was saying.

"It's going to be awesome", Jason said.

"Of course it's going to be awesome, it's my party", Pete said. Pete was a nice-looking guy with short blond hair. He was also the most arrogant.

"Hey guys, I think it's about time we tell our new friend the prerequisite of being in our group", Bolt said. Apparently Bolt could run almost as fast as Usain Bolt.

"Yeah, tell him Pete", Caroline said urging her boyfriend on excitedly.

I knew they were talking about me. I frowned a little. There was a prerequisite for being in the group except looking good and arrogant?

Pete put his hands on the table. "You have to do something for us", he said slowly.


"You have to get something from someone. We'll tell you what after the party", he said.

Getting something from someone? That didn't seem hard.

"How about you tell me now? I'd like to get it over and done with", I said.

"Eagerness, I like that", Pete said. "It's..."

My ringtone cut him off. I looked at the caller id quickly, and the frown that came onto my face was inevitable.

"Gotta take this", I said standing up.

"What?" I said after answering the phone. I did so while walking, so I couldn't hear the first part of what the person said.

"...you greet the person who used to be the love of your life?"

My frown deepened. "What do you want?" I asked impatiently.

New beginnings (boyxboy)✔Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt